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Flight Sold Out - 7 1/2 months before wedding


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I am so stressed and upset. My ta just emailed me to say that our flight to Los Cabos is now sold out. We arranged a package through Sunquest which includes direct flight, airport transfers and accommodations at the resort. Our guests had until March 24, 2010 to book to get the early booking rate. Our wedding is the last week of October. We got this rate at the end of January. I immediately emailed everyone and sent out Save the Date cards immediately so that guests had as much notice as possible. I have also sent out several reminder emails and called all of our family essentially hounding everyone to book because I didn't want them to wait till the last minute. So far we have 37 guests plus us booked with many more intending to book before the 24th.


Well this afternoon my ta emails me and says the flight is sold out. My ta says that on the system when she left Tuesday night there were still 50 seats on the plane but that when she came in Wednesday morning and tried to book in guests who were calling to book, the flight was sold out. She looked into it all day yesterday and today and there is nothing she can do, there are no more seats and no other direct flights from Toronto.


The only option now is for guests to take a connecting flight which adds many hours to their travel time and the best rate is several hundred dollars more. Plus they will have to arrange their own airport transfer. To top it off, there are only 17 rooms left in the resort. All more than 7 1/2 months before the wedding.


We worked so hard to arrange the best package and did everything possible to get our guests to book but so many people left it to the last minute and now with the extra expense and hassle I doubt they will even come. I am so sad about this. Particularly because it was FIs family and friends that booked and mine that all left it. As it stands, only 8 of our guests are my family and friends. Even my mom, sister (MOH), grandma and one of my bms haven't booked yet.

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Oh my goodness. All I can offer is my sympathy, and you definitely have it.


Is there any way for people to book a day earlier or later? I know it's not ideal. Know that you did your part in letting people know to book. As my students say, "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink if it's not thirsty." (I actually had a student tell me this after I asked why he wasn't working.)

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I am SO sorry to hear this also. Wow, I guess you never can book too soon. It's so upsetting that you have to deal with this now.


As someone mentioned above, do you think they can book a day or two earlier/later. I know that some of our guests are coming on different days. The rates shouldn't be Too different, and it would still be most of the days together.

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I think you should mention the option of just having people book their flight and hotel separate. I'm getting married there on Oct 10th and that's what we did from the beginning because the only package trip was Monday-Monday which didn't work for us because the wedding is on a Sunday.


If people want to be there, they will be. Yes there is a connection but it's really not the end of the world. Our TA secured us a really great rate through the resort per night so you could try contacting Tammy maybe to see if you can grab a room block of 10 rooms? Not sure what rates you can secure 7 months out but it's worth a try. You just have to get people to get a deposit down asap.


Everything will work out in the end, it's not your fault that they didn't book sooner you gave them advance notice etc. So those who want to be there will take a connecting flight.

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My heart goes out to you. Nothing ever really goes as planned sometimes. But like Lori and some of the other ladies said, the people who really love you will find a way to make it there, even if it means taking a connecting flight.

ALL of my guests are taking connecting flights as well. It's not THAT much of a hassle.

You may want to let them know how many rooms are left though because that's more important than the flight I think.

Good luck and let us know how everything works out.

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