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First BDW Vent

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Hey Sarah, hang in there! I know it is sooooooo frustrating when you try to plan things out and people just don't get it. And I agree, sometimes you just need to vent. Because in the end, you're getting married and all these little things won't matter after all.

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My FI was stressing about making sure the sides were "equal". I said, let's not sweat the small stuff. If we have more girls than guys, then one lucky guy gets to walk two lovely ladies down the aisle or vice versa. OR we have the honor attendant stand with us instead of walking the aisle. It all works out in the end. One reason to do a DW is less stress than an AHW....just roll with the punches and enjoy the day!

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Personally, I don't get this whole BM-GM have to have even number. I'm not even having a bridal party, so I just don't understand the numbers thing...cept for the fact I am slightly OCD and odd number in general creep me out, but that's another issue entirely!


To your point...get the extra outfit just in case...plus, guys are sloppy-they spill and stain - it may get used even if this guy doesn't show up. Be happy for your guy if his friend can make it.

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