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PAST USA BRIDES What legal steps do you have to take to get married in Punta Cana What paperwork do we need to provide If you were married before, what documents do we bring Does Mayte take care of this How much does it cost Will we get our marriage certificate the day of the wedding or will they mail it to us These details are what are really stressing me out.

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I believe you need to get to DR at least 72 hrs before the wedding and have... Birth Certificate of the bride and groom Document of single unmarried status (divorce or widow(er) certificate. Ten months must have elapsed since the date of the last divorce. A photocopy of the passport of the bride and groom (or other document used to enter the Dominican Republic. Photocopies of the passports of the witnesses who are not family members. Certificate of Single Status for each of the parties. All documents must be authenticated by the couples†nearest Dominican Consulate before they arrive in the country. All documents must be legally translated into Spanish in such consulate or by a legal interpreter in the Dominican Republic. No I don't thin Mayte can do any of this for you, except maybe advise you. I could be wrong tho, she seems to do everything else. Lol

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Originally Posted by Hannah07 View Post


Hi Ladies!


Does anyone have a copy/or know how to get a copy of the regular Jellyfish dinner menu?  I have confirmed with Mayte that we will be ordering off of the regular dinner menu instead of paying for the set dinner plates in the wedding package...however, there is no menu on the Jellyfish website.


Please let me know :)

Thank you! 

I'll ask Mayte next time I see her, if there's no online version, we can probably just scan it. They really should have the menu on the website, shouldn't they! That's in the works for their new website... who knows how long that's going to take though.


I've seen a few weddings where the guests ordered off the regular menu - this is usually okay for a smaller wedding, so that the kitchen isn't swamped and everything comes out on time. Once you do a tasting at Jellyfish, you might change your mind - I think there's something really cool about a personalized, customized menu from the B&G - it really doesn't have to be what Mayte outlined in the packages. Either way is great because the food is AMAZING! xx

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I'm really going to lose my mind if I don't hear back from Mayte soon. My fiance is going tomorrow to buy me a calling card so that I can call her lol I hope calling her is easier than emailing!  I just want to put a deposit down on a date!
I called last night and the manager said she was super busy with a wedding. She has like 28 this month. Be patient. I know it's driving people nuts. Yest she promises when it's due time she will give u 150% . About once every few weeks she stays up late and responds to everyone. Sometimes I get her mail at 2 or 3 a.m . It seems she never sleeps. If it makes you feel better I've heard that once she says " that date is available and it's yours" she means it. Deposit or not. I haven't left a deposit but I'm confident it will be fine. I've spoken with quite a few brides who have said they've made it to the wedding date and had never left a deposit. Just their word. I know it seems crazy but it seems to work for them , cuz people are still banging down their doors. Lol. If that really does not work for you, you might want to skip talking to her for now, and ask to speak to the manager. He seems to be the one to do the paperwork and accounting anyway. I have a feeling it was he who I was talking to last night because he insisted he could help me. I was trying to setup an appt with her next month since ill be in PC so he really couldn't in this case. She also sent a note on Facebook saying to please be patient with her and that everyone who emailed her first about a date would get it in priority order. Deposit or not. Hope it helps, D
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She emailed me back and is holding June 30 open for me!  It's a Monday, so tomorrow I will ask my family and my fiance's family about it.  It means people will have to take both Monday and Tuesday off from work.  That Friday is July 4th, so it's a short week anyway, so hopefully it's not that big of a deal. All the group discounts are 3-night minimum stays anyway, so unless people intended to fly in late Friday after work and leave sometime on Monday, that would be the only way they could take only 1 day off instead of 2.  I know a lot of my friends plan on extending and I think my family and his will, too.  So, I guess it really won't be a problem for most people.  Now to just confirm with family members and finalize it with her and photographers. 

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I'm really going to lose my mind if I don't hear back from Mayte soon. My fiance is going tomorrow to buy me a calling card so that I can call her lol I hope calling her is easier than emailing!  I just want to put a deposit down on a date!
Glad she gave u some piece of mind! Lol
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