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Put Down the COOKIES!

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I <3 COOKIES!!! They are also my #1 weakness. If I could live off just cookies, I totally would (and have in the past, but I was younger then, they didn't catch up to me!)


But about 5 months before my wedding I just said, I DON'T WANT TO BE THE FAT GIRL ON THE BEACH at my own wedding and knowing ALL EYES WILL BE ON YOU all week, should be motivation to do whatever it takes to get yourself in gear!!


I personally am fortunate enough to have a great gym onsite at my office, so I go every morning before work and then walk the dog every night for about 1/2 hr.


Do whatever works best for you, but just keep the end goal in mind! That and your upcoming fittings should scare the crap out of you enough to get you in gear! cheesy.gif

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