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Hey Ladies,


I am finding that i am ridiculously bad at making a decision on everything from my AHR catering company to my DW cake topper! Is anyone else having this problem? I have two months left and i am feeling the stress. Any advice other than "eeny meeny miny moe" ?

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oh i know exactly how you are feeling. all this wedding stuff is completely new to me so i had never even paid attention to any of this stuff before. i couldn't even believe all the descisions that need to be made...and if your FI is anything like mine...he just says to pick whatever i think is best.


my advice to you is to keep photos of the things you like. i saved photos online and kept little galleries on my usb key (i also recommend to back that up cuz i lost mine 2x now in the past 8 months...haha). really look at the things you like and decide why you like them.


one of the things that helped me make descisions after this was thinking how i wanted my wedding photos to look in 5yr, 10yrs, 15yrs, 20yrs etc from now. i normally am a very creative, bright coloured type person and i ended up going with more classic, simple, elegant designs for details because i didn't want to look back in 20yrs and say 'oh god what was i thinking?'


if you need too...'google' bad, tacky & retro weddings' for some what not to do ideas. haha.


another thing to do is just go with your first instinct! don't overanalyze everything.


good luck and enjoy the process!

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I have been having the same problem so I know how you feel. The only decision I have made that is set in stone would be my bridesmaids dresses (they are here and in my closet!) and honestly, the only reason I made that decision was because Jcrew was offering 30% off the sale price! Now that I've done that I kind of have something to work off of. Before I knew what the dresses were going to look like I had 10 million ideas floating around and I couldn't make a decision. Its kind of like a "vision" is coming together. If that makes any sense...

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