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10 Things Every DW Bride Should Know From the Get Go

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It appears that the original poster has since left, however I think some of us "old pros" could write a top 10 list of things every destination bride should know from the get-go.  Here is mine:

1. It's YOUR wedding

     - do what YOU want to do.  You don't want to regret your wedding for the rest of your life.  If you dream of getting married on the beach, don't listen to your SIL complaining that she can't wear heels.


2. Not everyone will come

     - and it's important to know that along with this one that you'll also have to hear their opinions and excuses WHY they won't come.


3.  Budget

    - your wedding is the beginning of your new life.  Many people choose destination weddings to have a cheaper wedding.  That's not always the case.  My wedding cost probably MORE than it would have had I had it in WI, but that's just because I went over the top.  The MOST important thing is to have a budget.  Know how much money you HAVE and how much you can spend.  Keep track of it.


4.  Bridal Attire

    - People are going to think you're nuts for wearing a ball gown on the beach.  Who cares.  As a photographer, these dresses look gorgeous on the beach and blow just as much in the breeze.  Wear what you want to wear and what you feel the most beautiful in.


5. Mexico Time... Island Time... it's all the same... SLOW!

    - When you send an email to the resort, don't expect an email back within an hour.  Sometimes 24 hours, sometimes a week!  When you go to your resort, you'll see why. The wedding coordinators are busy.  They have 1-4 weddings a day and they are providing the best service to the brides as they can.  So relax.  If it's something you desperately need to know, then call them. 


6. It's your guests vacation

   - Yes!  They are there for your wedding.  YES!  They are happy for you.  But they are also on a vacation.  Very rarely will someone shell out 1,000 a person just to see you get married.  They want to enjoy the resort as well.  Try not to plan every second of their day, and don't be offended when they just want to lay by the pool one day.  If you paid for their trip, then you can dictate what they do.


7. Shoes

   - As a photographer... I LOVE awesome shoes.  Oh yes.  Color, bling, love it!  But if you're getting married on the beach, please go barefoot or wear flats.  Heels will sink in the sand and you'll look like a fool walking down the aisle.  Flip flops will flip that sand right up your dress, so you'll probably want to avoid that too!


8. Travel Agent

   - Yes.  It's easy to book vacations on-line now-a-days.  it is NOT easy to deal with your 35 guests or the wedding coordinator that won't get back to you.  Do yourself a favor, get a travel agent.  The benefits FAR outweigh any sort of DIY motive you may have.  I highly recommend one of the travel agents from this website as they are destination wedding specialists.  Do it.


9. Packing

   - Oh packing.  After playing on this website I brought down six pieces of luggage I think.  SIX!!!!  Between ceremony decor, reception decor, OOT bags, and my dresses and shoes, I was packed to the brim.  Looking back, that is the one thing I regret.  For the reception I brought candles... duh.  I had an outdoor reception.  They blew out.  Waste. For OOT bags I just went crazy buying stupid stuff.  All i needed was insulated cups, spf chapstick, sun screen, aloe, and imodium.  Everything else was just wasted space and wasted money (playing cards, pool toys, makeup, etc).


10. Photographer

  - here is my shameless plug for myself and fellow photographers... please hire a professional.  These are heirlooms that you're going to be passing down to your children.  These are your memories that you will share with the family and friends that weren't fortunate enough to be with you on your big day.  This is how you will remember every detail you put into your wedding.  This is what you'll share with all these awesome photo loving brides on BDW!! Seriously, hire a professional and budget for a good photographer. 


Those are my top 10 tips that I can think of at the moment.  Hopefully many agree.

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Originally Posted by Tlseege View Post


It appears that the original poster has since left, however I think some of us "old pros" could write a top 10 list of things every destination bride should know from the get-go.  Here is mine:

1. It's YOUR wedding

     - do what YOU want to do.  You don't want to regret your wedding for the rest of your life.  If you dream of getting married on the beach, don't listen to your SIL complaining that she can't wear heels.


2. Not everyone will come

     - and it's important to know that along with this one that you'll also have to hear their opinions and excuses WHY they won't come.


3.  Budget

    - your wedding is the beginning of your new life.  Many people choose destination weddings to have a cheaper wedding.  That's not always the case.  My wedding cost probably MORE than it would have had I had it in WI, but that's just because I went over the top.  The MOST important thing is to have a budget.  Know how much money you HAVE and how much you can spend.  Keep track of it.


4.  Bridal Attire

    - People are going to think you're nuts for wearing a ball gown on the beach.  Who cares.  As a photographer, these dresses look gorgeous on the beach and blow just as much in the breeze.  Wear what you want to wear and what you feel the most beautiful in.


5. Mexico Time... Island Time... it's all the same... SLOW!

    - When you send an email to the resort, don't expect an email back within an hour.  Sometimes 24 hours, sometimes a week!  When you go to your resort, you'll see why. The wedding coordinators are busy.  They have 1-4 weddings a day and they are providing the best service to the brides as they can.  So relax.  If it's something you desperately need to know, then call them. 


6. It's your guests vacation

   - Yes!  They are there for your wedding.  YES!  They are happy for you.  But they are also on a vacation.  Very rarely will someone shell out 1,000 a person just to see you get married.  They want to enjoy the resort as well.  Try not to plan every second of their day, and don't be offended when they just want to lay by the pool one day.  If you paid for their trip, then you can dictate what they do.


7. Shoes

   - As a photographer... I LOVE awesome shoes.  Oh yes.  Color, bling, love it!  But if you're getting married on the beach, please go barefoot or wear flats.  Heels will sink in the sand and you'll look like a fool walking down the aisle.  Flip flops will flip that sand right up your dress, so you'll probably want to avoid that too!


8. Travel Agent

   - Yes.  It's easy to book vacations on-line now-a-days.  it is NOT easy to deal with your 35 guests or the wedding coordinator that won't get back to you.  Do yourself a favor, get a travel agent.  The benefits FAR outweigh any sort of DIY motive you may have.  I highly recommend one of the travel agents from this website as they are destination wedding specialists.  Do it.


9. Packing

   - Oh packing.  After playing on this website I brought down six pieces of luggage I think.  SIX!!!!  Between ceremony decor, reception decor, OOT bags, and my dresses and shoes, I was packed to the brim.  Looking back, that is the one thing I regret.  For the reception I brought candles... duh.  I had an outdoor reception.  They blew out.  Waste. For OOT bags I just went crazy buying stupid stuff.  All i needed was insulated cups, spf chapstick, sun screen, aloe, and imodium.  Everything else was just wasted space and wasted money (playing cards, pool toys, makeup, etc).


10. Photographer

  - here is my shameless plug for myself and fellow photographers... please hire a professional.  These are heirlooms that you're going to be passing down to your children.  These are your memories that you will share with the family and friends that weren't fortunate enough to be with you on your big day.  This is how you will remember every detail you put into your wedding.  This is what you'll share with all these awesome photo loving brides on BDW!! Seriously, hire a professional and budget for a good photographer. 


Those are my top 10 tips that I can think of at the moment.  Hopefully many agree.


Thank you soooooo much. This really is great advice. My personal fav is #9. I had to save that one!

Glad you but that bit in there about photographers. I was going to really low budget that one.

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Ooo thanks Trisha for updating this thread with the list. Going to keep this handy


Originally Posted by Tlseege View Post

It appears that the original poster has since left, however I think some of us "old pros" could write a top 10 list of things every destination bride should know from the get-go.  Here is mine:

1. It's YOUR wedding

     - do what YOU want to do.  You don't want to regret your wedding for the rest of your life.  If you dream of getting married on the beach, don't listen to your SIL complaining that she can't wear heels.


2. Not everyone will come

     - and it's important to know that along with this one that you'll also have to hear their opinions and excuses WHY they won't come.


3.  Budget

    - your wedding is the beginning of your new life.  Many people choose destination weddings to have a cheaper wedding.  That's not always the case.  My wedding cost probably MORE than it would have had I had it in WI, but that's just because I went over the top.  The MOST important thing is to have a budget.  Know how much money you HAVE and how much you can spend.  Keep track of it.


4.  Bridal Attire

    - People are going to think you're nuts for wearing a ball gown on the beach.  Who cares.  As a photographer, these dresses look gorgeous on the beach and blow just as much in the breeze.  Wear what you want to wear and what you feel the most beautiful in.


5. Mexico Time... Island Time... it's all the same... SLOW!

    - When you send an email to the resort, don't expect an email back within an hour.  Sometimes 24 hours, sometimes a week!  When you go to your resort, you'll see why. The wedding coordinators are busy.  They have 1-4 weddings a day and they are providing the best service to the brides as they can.  So relax.  If it's something you desperately need to know, then call them. 


6. It's your guests vacation

   - Yes!  They are there for your wedding.  YES!  They are happy for you.  But they are also on a vacation.  Very rarely will someone shell out 1,000 a person just to see you get married.  They want to enjoy the resort as well.  Try not to plan every second of their day, and don't be offended when they just want to lay by the pool one day.  If you paid for their trip, then you can dictate what they do.


7. Shoes

   - As a photographer... I LOVE awesome shoes.  Oh yes.  Color, bling, love it!  But if you're getting married on the beach, please go barefoot or wear flats.  Heels will sink in the sand and you'll look like a fool walking down the aisle.  Flip flops will flip that sand right up your dress, so you'll probably want to avoid that too!


8. Travel Agent

   - Yes.  It's easy to book vacations on-line now-a-days.  it is NOT easy to deal with your 35 guests or the wedding coordinator that won't get back to you.  Do yourself a favor, get a travel agent.  The benefits FAR outweigh any sort of DIY motive you may have.  I highly recommend one of the travel agents from this website as they are destination wedding specialists.  Do it.


9. Packing

   - Oh packing.  After playing on this website I brought down six pieces of luggage I think.  SIX!!!!  Between ceremony decor, reception decor, OOT bags, and my dresses and shoes, I was packed to the brim.  Looking back, that is the one thing I regret.  For the reception I brought candles... duh.  I had an outdoor reception.  They blew out.  Waste. For OOT bags I just went crazy buying stupid stuff.  All i needed was insulated cups, spf chapstick, sun screen, aloe, and imodium.  Everything else was just wasted space and wasted money (playing cards, pool toys, makeup, etc).


10. Photographer

  - here is my shameless plug for myself and fellow photographers... please hire a professional.  These are heirlooms that you're going to be passing down to your children.  These are your memories that you will share with the family and friends that weren't fortunate enough to be with you on your big day.  This is how you will remember every detail you put into your wedding.  This is what you'll share with all these awesome photo loving brides on BDW!! Seriously, hire a professional and budget for a good photographer. 


Those are my top 10 tips that I can think of at the moment.  Hopefully many agree.


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BRAVO, TLseege!

this was sooooo incredibly helpful!!


LOVE IT!!!  thanks for sharing this insightful info with all of us.



Originally Posted by Tlseege View Post

It appears that the original poster has since left, however I think some of us "old pros" could write a top 10 list of things every destination bride should know from the get-go.  Here is mine:

1. It's YOUR wedding

     - do what YOU want to do.  You don't want to regret your wedding for the rest of your life.  If you dream of getting married on the beach, don't listen to your SIL complaining that she can't wear heels.


2. Not everyone will come

     - and it's important to know that along with this one that you'll also have to hear their opinions and excuses WHY they won't come.


3.  Budget

    - your wedding is the beginning of your new life.  Many people choose destination weddings to have a cheaper wedding.  That's not always the case.  My wedding cost probably MORE than it would have had I had it in WI, but that's just because I went over the top.  The MOST important thing is to have a budget.  Know how much money you HAVE and how much you can spend.  Keep track of it.


4.  Bridal Attire

    - People are going to think you're nuts for wearing a ball gown on the beach.  Who cares.  As a photographer, these dresses look gorgeous on the beach and blow just as much in the breeze.  Wear what you want to wear and what you feel the most beautiful in.


5. Mexico Time... Island Time... it's all the same... SLOW!

    - When you send an email to the resort, don't expect an email back within an hour.  Sometimes 24 hours, sometimes a week!  When you go to your resort, you'll see why. The wedding coordinators are busy.  They have 1-4 weddings a day and they are providing the best service to the brides as they can.  So relax.  If it's something you desperately need to know, then call them. 


6. It's your guests vacation

   - Yes!  They are there for your wedding.  YES!  They are happy for you.  But they are also on a vacation.  Very rarely will someone shell out 1,000 a person just to see you get married.  They want to enjoy the resort as well.  Try not to plan every second of their day, and don't be offended when they just want to lay by the pool one day.  If you paid for their trip, then you can dictate what they do.


7. Shoes

   - As a photographer... I LOVE awesome shoes.  Oh yes.  Color, bling, love it!  But if you're getting married on the beach, please go barefoot or wear flats.  Heels will sink in the sand and you'll look like a fool walking down the aisle.  Flip flops will flip that sand right up your dress, so you'll probably want to avoid that too!


8. Travel Agent

   - Yes.  It's easy to book vacations on-line now-a-days.  it is NOT easy to deal with your 35 guests or the wedding coordinator that won't get back to you.  Do yourself a favor, get a travel agent.  The benefits FAR outweigh any sort of DIY motive you may have.  I highly recommend one of the travel agents from this website as they are destination wedding specialists.  Do it.


9. Packing

   - Oh packing.  After playing on this website I brought down six pieces of luggage I think.  SIX!!!!  Between ceremony decor, reception decor, OOT bags, and my dresses and shoes, I was packed to the brim.  Looking back, that is the one thing I regret.  For the reception I brought candles... duh.  I had an outdoor reception.  They blew out.  Waste. For OOT bags I just went crazy buying stupid stuff.  All i needed was insulated cups, spf chapstick, sun screen, aloe, and imodium.  Everything else was just wasted space and wasted money (playing cards, pool toys, makeup, etc).


10. Photographer

  - here is my shameless plug for myself and fellow photographers... please hire a professional.  These are heirlooms that you're going to be passing down to your children.  These are your memories that you will share with the family and friends that weren't fortunate enough to be with you on your big day.  This is how you will remember every detail you put into your wedding.  This is what you'll share with all these awesome photo loving brides on BDW!! Seriously, hire a professional and budget for a good photographer. 


Those are my top 10 tips that I can think of at the moment.  Hopefully many agree.


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Someone did copy the original post in their reply.  Here is the link:




It is all great advice. But I think the most important is to allow yourself to become addicted to this site. You will find a ton of support and answers to most of your questions. If nothing else, you will find a bride that got married at your same resort and will give you faith that it will all turn out beautiful (in most cases).

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  • 3 weeks later...

THANK YOU so so much! This is great, and yes, so good to know... I think I should print both of these lists off and paste them in my planning binder... on my fridge... bathroom mirror... highlighting areas I may need to remember from time to time! Hahaha! Thanks for reposting!

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