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FYI for Canadian Brides

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Hi Ladies,


I just wanted to share my experience with buying things from US brides on this site to hopefully help other Canadian brides. All of the sellers that I have dealt with have been great!! smile159.gif


However, I never thought to ask anyone to include a receipt in the package. I have now received a couple packages that I bought from brides in the US where customs has opened the package and completely over estimated the value of goods and charged me way too much duty. There are instruction on the back of the customs form about how you can go about trying to get a refund but its a huge hassle. I think a receipt would probably go a long way so that if customs opens your package, they know right away what you paid and will hopefully charge you the correct amount of duty.


Anyways, this is just my experience but I hope it helps some other brides out there.

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I learned from my own experiences not to order from the states. I ordered this cute little hoodie for my dog cost was 9.99 by the time I paid shipping and all the custom etc fees the hoodie ended up costing me 50.00. some stuff I have ordered and never paid duty so its kind of a hit and miss. I do find if the item is shipped UPS I end up paying alot of custom charges and broker charges. I now send my items to my daughter in Vegas.

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I think it is sort of random whether customs opens your item or not, just like how some cars get pulled over at the border and some don't. I bought stuff from a bride for $100 but customs opened it and wrote that the value of goods was $300 so I had to pay almost $50 in duty. I am fighting it using my paypal invoice to show the actual purchase price but it is a hassle. Indicating that its a gift or sending it to someone in the states are certainly good ideas though. I will still buy stuff but I will just ask the sellers to include a receipt to be safe.

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I STILL think there should be a separate little forum under the Buy/Sell section for us Canadian girls! Even if there is a receipt for what you paid, customs can still say that the VALUE of the goods is more than what you paid and you still might be stuck with duty fees.


I am pretty leary of having stuff shipped from the states, even as a gift, because of this. Luckily I have a cousin in Texas who visits Canada all the time, so I have a "wedding mule in the states!"


Although with the exchange rate as good as it is, we CAN find some great deals online and in the States!! Thanks for the heads up!

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