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day passes..

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Originally Posted by nmurch View Post

if you have quests not staying at your hortel b/c of one reason or another,
who should pay for the day pass? the guest? or me?
According to etiquette, we are supposed to pay for our guests. But more than likely if a guest is staying at another place it's their choice so why should we have to pay MORE money for them to come to our wedding?

My mom is super proper and she said the same thing... I felt guilty for charging a "cover" for my wedding but we're shelling out THOUSANDS of dollars already, right?
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We only have 4 guest not staying at the hotel, it is all his side of the family & we decided to pick up the tab, its only going to be hopefully $300 BUT if it was any higher than that we would have not paid for it. Looking back, I wish I would have stressed to ppl that it is really important to stay at the hotel & FYI them that they will have to pay for a day pass for our wedding.

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alot of my guests are saying that the hotel we are staying at is nice, but they have either time shares or AMA offers a 2 for 1 deal in jan so they want to do that, so i kinda feel like i DONT wanna pay for them because they are getting a deal elsewhere plus the hotel i'm staying at is 99USD/PP/daypass!!

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Originally Posted by nmurch View Post
alot of my guests are saying that the hotel we are staying at is nice, but they have either time shares or AMA offers a 2 for 1 deal in jan so they want to do that, so i kinda feel like i DONT wanna pay for them because they are getting a deal elsewhere plus the hotel i'm staying at is 99USD/PP/daypass!!
If they're staying somewhere else to save money then they can pay for the pass. Them saving money is costing YOU money!
Let them know that if they choose to go that route they will have to shell out for the pass. Surely they wouldn't then ask you to pay for it, right? That's in real poor taste if they did.
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I would probably pick up the tab. The only reason they are coming to your resort is for YOUR wedding...therefore I think it's your responsibility to cover that wedding expense for them. I think the exception is if you were completely straight up with everyone from the beginning i.e. list it on your website or invitations: If you are not staying at the selected resort please be prepared to spend USD$99 on a day pass for the day of the wedding. Then nobody gets upset because they knew from the start.

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I am having the guests who are not staying pay for the day pass, I don't think there's anything wrong with that b/c you have told them which resort the wedding is at and given them plenty of notice. plus you are paying per head for the reception. if they choose to stay at a different resort, you shouldn't have to pick up the day pass too, it would be like paying for their hotel if you were having a wedding here and they were coming from out of town, imo.

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I'm having guests not staying at the resort pay for their own passes. I only have a couple people not staying at the resort and the only reason they aren't is because they won a mansion in DR in a tricky tray. Their stay there is free so I feel like since they're saving $ by not staying at the resort, they can pay the $70 pp charge.


Lucky for me, this is not a fuss as they already said they'd give me the money for that.


I really think it depends on the bride though. If you tell your family ahead of time that there are fees for those not staying at the resort, maybe they'd be more open to staying there.


Hope this helps.

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