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KRama's Non-Crafty & Technology Challenged Semi-DIY Invitations!

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They're finally done and (almost) ready to go!


You DIY'ers sure make it hard on a girl who desires to be crafty but has no talent or patience what-so-ever to come up with wonderful budget friendly invitations! After several miserable attempts on MS Word and PowerPoint to come up with something I liked, I finally turned to the pros.




A friend of my mom's owns her own design company that specializes in small business branding. She used to be in the wedding business and still LOVES to create invitations. I enlisted her help and together we came up with a design that I'm totally in love with!


I decided I wanted two different invitations. One for those 40 people invited to Mexico and another version to send to those invited to our AHR when we return. Here's what we came up with:


Click the image to open in full size.


(I was frantically looking for invitation wording during the planning phase so if you can't read this and want to, let me know!)


They were printed on matte 5x7 photo paper at Costco ($0.57/print...yay!) and I glued tiny green crystals to the center of the palm trees using mini glue dots (all from Michael's).


WoW also designed envelopes for me:


Click the image to open in full size.


I scored big time with my envelopes. Who knew that size would be so hard to find for cheap! I ended up finding them in a cabinet at work and the boss said "have at 'er" so I also printed them there as well (that's our secret...)


I included a post card insert (Vistaprint - gotta love it) with our Mexico invites about the AHR:


Click the image to open in full size.


Click the image to open in full size.


So all in all, I'm thrilled with how they turned out! Not as cheap as I had originally wanted (they work out to about $5 a pop) but totally worth saving my sanity.

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