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Originally Posted by kris10kay View Post


Question for any past brides or anywho who has visited MP..Is there anything that you wish you would have put in your OT Bags or brought down with you that you didnt?


For example I plan to get all my bridal party their own tervis tumblers for drinks. Would other guests benefit from bringing their own cup to keep beverages cold? And with the room keys are they a card or an actual key, and whichever they are, is it nice to have something to put the key in or attach the key to (so you don't lose it)?


Sorry I couldnt figure out how to word that exactly lol but I am trying to think of anything I can with just under 3 months to go! :)


We went down there in March.  We were too lazy to be responsible for carrying around cups.  The drinks melted pretty fast, even with our cups.  The keys are the cards, just like most hotels.



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I suggest the cups for everyone in your group. My guests (and me + hubs) LOVED our cups. Not even bc of the melting factor but because they were much larger than the standard cups. Yes you can double fist, but we took ours into the ocean, tipped them over, dropped them, reused the entire time and all my guests have said they still use them. 


Two of my guests lost theirs... one found his again and the other got a replacement (i packed a couple extra). 


BRING BUG SPRAY. Listen to everyone on here who provides that feedback. It's true. Bring it. 


We didn't bring card holders or anything like that. 

Originally Posted by kris10kay View Post

Question for any past brides or anywho who has visited MP..Is there anything that you wish you would have put in your OT Bags or brought down with you that you didnt?


For example I plan to get all my bridal party their own tervis tumblers for drinks. Would other guests benefit from bringing their own cup to keep beverages cold? And with the room keys are they a card or an actual key, and whichever they are, is it nice to have something to put the key in or attach the key to (so you don't lose it)?


Sorry I couldnt figure out how to word that exactly lol but I am trying to think of anything I can with just under 3 months to go! :)


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Thanks for the input!! :)

Originally Posted by Vettiebean View Post

I suggest the cups for everyone in your group. My guests (and me + hubs) LOVED our cups. Not even bc of the melting factor but because they were much larger than the standard cups. Yes you can double fist, but we took ours into the ocean, tipped them over, dropped them, reused the entire time and all my guests have said they still use them. 


Two of my guests lost theirs... one found his again and the other got a replacement (i packed a couple extra). 


BRING BUG SPRAY. Listen to everyone on here who provides that feedback. It's true. Bring it. 


We didn't bring card holders or anything like that. 



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hey ladies! so we just got back this past thursday after a awesome wedding and honeymoon! I have a  TON to say about MP, the coordinators, florists, etc! I am working on my review this week! I will let you all know when it is up!


 here are a few pics for now! first 2 are of me and my hubby and the last is my dad!





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AWWWW!!!  you looked so beautiful!  Who did you hair and make-up!  I can't wait to read your review!!!  CONGRATS!!! 

Originally Posted by JLR1726 View Post

hey ladies! so we just got back this past thursday after a awesome wedding and honeymoon! I have a  TON to say about MP, the coordinators, florists, etc! I am working on my review this week! I will let you all know when it is up!


 here are a few pics for now! first 2 are of me and my hubby and the last is my dad!






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Call me fussy, but unless you are going to include dish soap, I wouldn't want to use the same cup all day, let alone all week. We just sat at the swim up bar and kept the bartenders busy. If you're drinking that much, you'll be done them before they have a chance to melt.


For the room keys, we provided everyone with a waterproof card holder that had enough space for a little bit of tip money.


I'm not sure if everyone used what was in their OOT bags, but I like to think that they were useful. It was definitely beneficial to use a cotton bag that could be reused throughout the trip and was brightly colored so we could spot our guests spots.

Originally Posted by kris10kay View Post

Question for any past brides or anywho who has visited MP..Is there anything that you wish you would have put in your OT Bags or brought down with you that you didnt?


For example I plan to get all my bridal party their own tervis tumblers for drinks. Would other guests benefit from bringing their own cup to keep beverages cold? And with the room keys are they a card or an actual key, and whichever they are, is it nice to have something to put the key in or attach the key to (so you don't lose it)?


Sorry I couldnt figure out how to word that exactly lol but I am trying to think of anything I can with just under 3 months to go! :)


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Gorgeous!!! I had the same question who dod your hair and make up? Can't wait to read your review ;)

Originally Posted by JLR1726 View Post

hey ladies! so we just got back this past thursday after a awesome wedding and honeymoon! I have a  TON to say about MP, the coordinators, florists, etc! I am working on my review this week! I will let you all know when it is up!


 here are a few pics for now! first 2 are of me and my hubby and the last is my dad!






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You look amazing, can't wait to read your review!

Originally Posted by JLR1726 View Post

hey ladies! so we just got back this past thursday after a awesome wedding and honeymoon! I have a  TON to say about MP, the coordinators, florists, etc! I am working on my review this week! I will let you all know when it is up!


 here are a few pics for now! first 2 are of me and my hubby and the last is my dad!






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Congratulationsssssss!! It looks as if you had a beautiful wedding!

Originally Posted by JLR1726 View Post

hey ladies! so we just got back this past thursday after a awesome wedding and honeymoon! I have a  TON to say about MP, the coordinators, florists, etc! I am working on my review this week! I will let you all know when it is up!


 here are a few pics for now! first 2 are of me and my hubby and the last is my dad!






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