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Letter to FBIL

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LMAO I love it.


A 4 day retreat and you are "required" to write a letter? It's stuff like that that irkes me. No matter how old you are, your life is not your own when it comes to family.


Example: One of my best friends is having a bbq this weekend. It's been planned for months. Chris's aunt comes in unexpectedly from Edmonton and we are "required" to go to a last minute get together? WTF? I dont' think so! That is something for aunts and uncles as far as I'm concerned, and I have plans, so too bad so sad!

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Here's another thought (and I hope this doesn't spark a huge debate or anything - and I certainly don't want to offend anyone here)


BUT. . . you can also tell your BIL that you won't convert because their beliefs contradict each other. First they say that they believe you get to Heaven on Faith alone. There is nothing you can physically do to get yourself into heaven. (I believe that too.) But then they also say you need to strive to be a perfect person. HUHhuh.gif If God forgives me for all my faults and I don't need to do anything to get into heaven, then why do I need to strive for perfection. I'm a sinner for gooness sakes, I was born a sinner and I sin everyday. God still loves me no matter what. You're crazy to think that you can live without sin. I don't believe that.


And as for Jehovah's Witness, what's up with thathuh.gif One minute they say that only a certain amount of people are going to get into heaven and then in the same breath they have to spend a certain amount of hours each week converting people. Why would I want to join a cult (oh sorry, a religion) where I now have to compete with millions of others for only 200,000 spaces in heaven. That's nuts.


Again, I hope I didn't offend anyone.

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Originally Posted by MikkiStreak View Post
A couple weeks ago, we got an email from FI's sister, asking each member of the family to write a letter of encouragement to her husband, who was going on a Methodist spiritual retreat for 4 days. Well, we see the two of them maybe 1-2 times a year max. So I forwarded it on to FI, since he knows his BIL much better than I do.

For the last 3 weeks, FSIL has been emailing and harassing everyone to write a letter to her husband. The last notice was yesterday when she specifically directed it only to those members of the family who had not written yet.

So, with my usual "flair", here is what I've come up with:

"Hey Tim,
Great job on finding God. I've really enjoyed the 5 minutes I spend around you 3-4 times a year. Please don't try to convert us sinners like your wife does. How bout that Psalm 69?"
Maria, that is way to funny and totally YOU. Only you could have written that letter. I love it. Did you send it to her?
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OMG that is hilarious! Did you send it?!


Martin's family is VERY religious as well. His Aunt and Uncle are missionaries in Brazil!!! When they came up this Summer we offered to host a 4th of July BBQ to show them our new house and so I could meet them. Well that turned into a huge pile of crap. Apparently it's super taboo that we're living together, even though we are engaged. Hello, what time period are we living in?!? They finally came over but were talking behind our backs to his parents and had to sit their 3 children (ages 12-17!) down to explain our "situation" to them. LOL


Seriously, what the hell would they do if we were gay or something like that? Disown us? I can't believe ppl still think like this nowadays. We should have put something extra special in their brownies...

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Originally Posted by JaimeLynne View Post
Martin's family is VERY religious as well. His Aunt and Uncle are missionaries in Brazil!!! When they came up this Summer we offered to host a 4th of July BBQ to show them our new house and so I could meet them. Well that turned into a huge pile of crap. Apparently it's super taboo that we're living together, even though we are engaged. Hello, what time period are we living in?!? They finally came over but were talking behind our backs to his parents and had to sit their 3 children (ages 12-17!) down to explain our "situation" to them. LOL
Wow, seriously?!?!! IMO, a couple should live together first before getting married. I know there are people that don't think so, which is ok - but I've learned A LOT about Aaron, and our relationship and changed a ton. But I guess you're living "in sin".
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