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Horrible family issues and leaving in 2 wks!


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I am so sorry this is happening right now. It is horrible to see someone you love sick, and to have your FI experiencing it too is just awful. I also know how hard it is to lose a pet, and so fast. We had to put my dog to sleep 2 or 3 years ago, but it happened so fast and over the course of 3 days. It can be just as traumatic as losing a human you love. Hang in there, your cat is in a happy and healthy place now. And I hope the best for your grandma and your FI's family as well. The light at the end of the tunnel is that your time away will be well needed and hopefully get you all back on track. Remember, it is your day and while you may feel guilty right now you need to focus on your day when it comes.


All the best!

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I am so sorry you are going through all of this. It seems like when it rains, it pours. I found out about a month ago my cat that I had for 13 years has cancer and has less than 2 months to live. Also, my grandmother isn’t doing well and she now needs 24/7 care. Every time my phone rings I am scared it is bad news. I hope you and your FI are able to focus on the two of you getting married when you are in Mexico. It is a moment you won't get back and no matter how horrible things may be, this is an important moment it your lives.

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Thank you all for your support!! It is really hard, but taking everything day by day! I just feel like I am so far behind on everything. My FI does not even have his suit or whatever he plans on wearing for our wedding day yet!! I know it will all work out in the end...but horrible to deal with at the moment. Again, thank you all for your warm thoughts!!


hat0112 - I am sooooo sorry to hear about your cat and grandma!!! I hope your kitty lives a pain free and I am sure you will poil him/her in the mean time!! As for your grandma, I completely understand!! We do not think mine will make it out of the hospital!! Really puts life into persepctive and makes you want to live each day to its fullest and happiest!! My prayers are with you and your family!

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Originally Posted by A2Bride View Post
Thank you all for your support!! It is really hard, but taking everything day by day! I just feel like I am so far behind on everything. My FI does not even have his suit or whatever he plans on wearing for our wedding day yet!! I know it will all work out in the end...but horrible to deal with at the moment. Again, thank you all for your warm thoughts!!

hat0112 - I am sooooo sorry to hear about your cat and grandma!!! I hope your kitty lives a pain free and I am sure you will poil him/her in the mean time!! As for your grandma, I completely understand!! We do not think mine will make it out of the hospital!! Really puts life into persepctive and makes you want to live each day to its fullest and happiest!! My prayers are with you and your family!
Thank you. It is just so difficult to go through this and I feel horrible that you have to do this with a wedding in a few weeks and your FI's mom is sick. I think even knowing that everything will work out in the end, it doesn't make you less stressed now. Hang in there!
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Thank you all for your thoughts and well wishes. Unfortunately my grandma passed away Saturday night. So we have been busy dealing with funeral arrangements and getting family together. The funeral is on Wed and we leave Sat night for our early Sunday flight. Going to be a long week...and we still are not completely ready! I am sure things will come together, and if they don't...nothing I am going to stress over!!


Life is short...live it the best we know how to! Thanks again for your support girls!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally Posted by A2Bride View Post
Thank you all for your thoughts and well wishes. Unfortunately my grandma passed away Saturday night. So we have been busy dealing with funeral arrangements and getting family together. The funeral is on Wed and we leave Sat night for our early Sunday flight. Going to be a long week...and we still are not completely ready! I am sure things will come together, and if they don't...nothing I am going to stress over!!

Life is short...live it the best we know how to! Thanks again for your support girls!
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. It is never easy. My grandma passed away Jan 27 and we left Feb 14. The one thing I will say is that in a way I was relieved because it didn't happen while we were away and not here with her. Keep your chin up sunshine!!
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