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Hey Ladies.....I have tried to do something creative with my OOT bags. I am going to change the wording to a darker brown bead to you can read them better.....let me know what you think


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Wow, those honestly look fantastic. I agree about the colour of the lettering, and if you did it in a brownish-beige, it'd kind of look like sand below the palm trees, which could look pretty cool! '


Ok, you're making me look bad! I don't even know what kind of OOT bags I want, and you're decorating yours already! lol

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Whoa...sorry about the size of the picture...I thought I re-sized it in photobucket. I am just doing these becuase there aren't very many woman going and I thought it would be something different. I have to start them early because they take a couple days each to make. Plus I can't do them during school (too much with taking too many MBA classes!) I love that about it looking like sand! Thanks!

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I used the transfer paper and put our logo on it and ironed them on the bags. Then just used clear thread and beaded the seed beads on the pattern. It was really easy acutally....I have made the decorative pillow covers before because I didn't wan to spend $80 at pottery barn for them.

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