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Photographer Advice - What's Important?!


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Hi Everyone,

I'd love to get your feedback on your photographer choice and what was provided in their packages. I know I want to have plenty of quality prints with little hassle, however, it seems like most of the packages local Cabo photographers offer do not include a lot of prints with their packages. I'm new to anything related to pictures (just bought a digital camera last year!) so I'm a little lost on what's a nice to have vs a must have. I know capturing the day is important so we're not skimping on the hours.


For the ladies who've already married and used a Cabo photographer, did you feel like your packages included too much, just right, or not enough? Did your photogs make it east to customize their packages? Please list what you would have liked to add/take out (i.e, hours, prints, photo album, etc).


I'm a bit overwhelmed with trying to make this decision so appreciate any advice. smile105.gif

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Ok, well I'm not married, but I feel the uncontrollable desire to respond anyways. For me, the print package options weren't a priority when selecting my photographer. I narrowed it down by the photographer's work (If I TOTALLY loved it), then by the relationship I had with my photog, since it's super important (IMO) to have a good relationship with your photographer. My package does include print credits, I don't remember how many... and I don't remember how much I spent. haha, ok, sorry I'm not helping. I guess my point is that having the print credits were secondary for me. Yes, they're good. and yes, I'll use them... but I'm just not going to worry about it until after the wedding, to be honest. I'm sure you could talk to your photographer of interest about print options and compare prices between your favourite photographers... but I wouldn't base my decision on that alone.


Did I understand your question correctly? Maybe I'll have a different opinion after I'm married (which is what you're probably getting to), but I'd prefer pay a little more for the prints and photographer than worry about getting a deal ahead of time. Know what I mean?


mmk... I'm rambling now...

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are you set on using a cabo photographer? we're fyling in an awesome gal who was super flexible and even made us a package that fit exactly what we wanted.


here's what we're getting in a nutshell:

2 photographers (tavel included)

unlimited wedding day coverage

trash the dress session the next day

engagment shoot

50ish page 13x13 album

10 5x7s

5 8x10s

digital negatives with about 75 retouched

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I don't really know what is the best...I personally could only afford 3 hrs so I opted not to have any of me getting ready. I can have all the crazy women in the room w/ me take pictures!! :) So he will do ceremony, shots of us, family, etc..and reception. I think we get a certain number of prints but the most important for me was the cd I get. That way I can pick and choose th eones I want printed.

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Originally Posted by lavalos View Post
Hi Everyone,
I'd love to get your feedback on your photographer choice and what was provided in their packages. I know I want to have plenty of quality prints with little hassle, however, it seems like most of the packages local Cabo photographers offer do not include a lot of prints with their packages. I'm new to anything related to pictures (just bought a digital camera last year!) so I'm a little lost on what's a nice to have vs a must have. I know capturing the day is important so we're not skimping on the hours.

For the ladies who've already married and used a Cabo photographer, did you feel like your packages included too much, just right, or not enough? Did your photogs make it east to customize their packages? Please list what you would have liked to add/take out (i.e, hours, prints, photo album, etc).

I'm a bit overwhelmed with trying to make this decision so appreciate any advice. smile105.gif
Really it boils down to "how" you want your wedding shot. There are photographers out there who snap what you ask and the major moments.. and there are photojournalists who create a story. There's good and bad for both.. if you go the photojournalist route.. make sure you make a list of the 'posed' pictures you want with family and friends so you don't miss out. If you go the other way.. make sure to explain to your photographer how you want your day captured. I think overall you'll be very happy in the end.. as long as you find someone who's work you already like!
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I agree, the prints were not my main concern. I did make sure that I own the rights to all my photographs - to me this was important. I didn't want to have to contact my photographer everytime I wanted something. So now I am the proud owner of 4 DVD's of my photos - the great, good, bad, and just plain ugly. Then we also received 2 black leather albums for about 600 4x6 "proofs" (or prints) they are very nice albums, but I will still do a coffee table book. Still waiting to be purchased are 2 large (i want to say ??x20) canvas prints that as soon as my pictures are online we will get those.


Hope this helps some.

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All the ladies have posted some fantastic responses for you to think about. It really is what you want in a photographer. Most all photographers will do a custom package to suit your needs. Don't let posted prices scare you off from one that you really love their work . . . all you have to do is ask - it never hurts.

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