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November 2010 Brides


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Dont worry!! Im sure that things like this happen a lot. What did they tell you at your fitting? I'm sure that they will be able to bring it in no problem. They are professionals and do things like this all the time. I'm crossing my fingers for you!!!

Ps. Definitely stressing out and trying to get things done in the next wk (ie. buy rings, order wedding favours, and finish up some sm details). I start a new job next week, so I want to have pretty much everything set and ready to go! Also getting nervous because they dont know I need a wk off in november!! lol...

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For workouts I let my hubby build me a program which changes once a month (he is the strength & conditioning coach for the US Olympic Sail team so he is great at that stuff). Tuesdays I add in yoga and every Sunday we take bike rides together or play tennis. Thats been my regimen. I have 7 lbs left to gain before the big day. 

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Originally Posted by JanineA View Post


For workouts I let my hubby build me a program which changes once a month (he is the strength & conditioning coach for the US Olympic Sail team so he is great at that stuff). Tuesdays I add in yoga and every Sunday we take bike rides together or play tennis. Thats been my regimen. I have 7 lbs left to gain before the big day. 


7 lbs left to GAIN?! most of Us are trying to LOOSE!!!!! sad.gif Lol...smh.

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Yeah, no kidding. I've never heard of a bride trying to GAIN weight before the big day.


I just went in for my 2nd wedding dress alterations meeting and it's only been 2 weeks and my lady said "have you lost weight? the corset back is getting tighter on you. you better not lose 5 lb or we'll have to do more alterations"


uh oh! my goal was to lose 3-5 lbs and tone up everywhere. if i lost enough weight for her to notice in 2 weeks, i can't imagine what the next 10 weeks is gonna do to me.  it's one of those moments where you're like "shit!" but happy at the same time. i hope the dress won't need any more alterations in the next month, i was hoping to spend less than $200!!

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Originally Posted by OceanWonderland View Post


Yeah, no kidding. I've never heard of a bride trying to GAIN weight before the big day.


I just went in for my 2nd wedding dress alterations meeting and it's only been 2 weeks and my lady said "have you lost weight? the corset back is getting tighter on you. you better not lose 5 lb or we'll have to do more alterations"


uh oh! my goal was to lose 3-5 lbs and tone up everywhere. if i lost enough weight for her to notice in 2 weeks, i can't imagine what the next 10 weeks is gonna do to me.  it's one of those moments where you're like "shit!" but happy at the same time. i hope the dress won't need any more alterations in the next month, i was hoping to spend less than $200!!


$200?! is that how much flipping alterations cost?! I might as well get another dress if im gonna spend that much...I cant imagine how much it will cost me because I have to get my dress " taken Out" to accomodate my fast growing baby bump! Sheeesh! thats where they get you with the crazy alterations....

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I know I am not in the same boat as most women, I am the complete opposite. I have a very fast metabolism and slightly overactive thyriod. Could take medication to slow it all down but then the effects are irreversible, so I have a high carb, high protein diet and I have to work out constantly to keep muscle on me. 

How come alterations are so expensive.....my alterations were free with the purchase of my dress. These damn wedding salons. Man weddings are a big business I tell you. I'm helping a friend plan her wedding in San Fran and let me tell you it is expensive out there and from the time you mention wedding everyone gets dollar signs in their eyes.....lol! MysTea how is the baby coming? Do you know the sex yet?

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These bridal shops always try and find a way to tack a fee on...Ugh!


LoL. Girl I am still in my first trimester...I wont know the sex until I come back from DR. ( and trust me I will post a big..."ITS A ______"  when I find out) lol. But im doing good. I had a US on Monday and the baby looks like a little gummy bear...so cute..Im excited!



Ugh but on a side note Fi is annoying me!!!! and this is not the time...For some reason I keep going back and forth on whether I want the ceremony on the beach or at the resorts Gazebo.... I have been debating this for a while...The Gazebo is more private but I always liked the beach backdrop of weddings...


I ask him things and all he has to say is '"T....it doesn't matter to me" he never has an opinion..its good and BAD because I really would like his input sometimes...But on the other hand I can always do what I want and he will be ok with it....


I feel like pokeing him in the eye!rant.gif

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I just wanted to tell you that you are hilarious!  I don't post a lot on this particular thread, but I check in every now and then just to get a good laugh....and I thank you!!!!  My wedding is November 22, 2010 and I wish you and all of the other November brides the best!!!!!



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Originally Posted by NikkiT. View Post



I just wanted to tell you that you are hilarious!  I don't post a lot on this particular thread, but I check in every now and then just to get a good laugh....and I thank you!!!!  My wedding is November 22, 2010 and I wish you and all of the other November brides the best!!!!!




LOL..Why Thank U Nikki My love! Its all I have right now is to laugh cause I really like pulling my hair out sometimes....well whatever I can catch cause its not that much..( Who told me to cut my hair?!!)..



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Where are my November brides...................this thread has been quiet. Where in hell is Nicedeb?!? She is totally MIA.....I miss her. MysTea girl, where you at? Ladies check in...where are you at? Who is annoying you the most in the planning process? Do you have everything in place? Are you cool like a cucumber or frazzled out of your mind. Come on ladies I wanna hear from everyone. 

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