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Bridal showers and Registering

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I was not going to register but am seriously thinking of it now as I found out that my family wants to havea shower for me even though I insisted it's not necessary. I also don't want gifts from guests attending the wedding but I've been told that I have no say in the matter and we will be putting alot of time and money into the wedding so why wouldn't our guests recogonize that. As well, everyone is looking at this as an opportunity to have a family vacation together that they would probably not do otherwise.

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Yes!!!! You should register!! I have a lot of friends & extended family that aren't coming to the wedding, so I will probably have a friends shower & a family shower. I just turned 30 & have been to so many bridal & baby showers for friends/family, so now it is my turn!! (Hope that doesn't sound too selfish! :))

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If your BMs want to throw you a shower, let them. Otherwise, don't add another thing to your lists of things to plan. Although depending upon how long your guests are staying at the DW, you could have a half-day event with just the ladies that could serve as your shower. Like you, I didn't want to seem greedy and wasn't sure how a registry would be received. I decided to register with www.honeyfund.com. Especially for those who can't attend so they can feel like they were a part of our memory. I let those who will be attending that we do not expect gifts because we consider their attendance our gift...but if they're feeling extra generous or insist, we'd much more appreciate a contribution than household goods. We have a house full of nice things already, plus things in storage - we've lived together for 3 years!! So I really like the idea of a honeymoon registry and it's fun to put together!

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I am registering and having a shower. We only have about 30 guests coming to the wedding put will have an AHR that we have over 200 guests invited too. I asked my MOH to include in the shower invites to the people that are coming to Mexico a little saying to not bring a gift- they are spending enough. Just have to think how to word it.

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I was on the same page as you! I didn't think havinga shower or a gift registry was appropraite, however my fiance's mother wants to do a shower, and we are having an AHR. Many of or guests won't be able to make our DW, so I am now okay in doing the whole shower, registry thing!!!


For those who are coming to our DW we are making it clear a gift is not expected!!


Hope that helps!!

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My FI and I just registered at Bed, Bath, and Beyond. We invited only 90 people to the wedding and only about 20 are coming. A lot of our family and friends want to send us something and I know my family wants me to have a shower. I figure I rather register and get things I want then not register and get things I don’t like or need.

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I'm really glad I found this thread. A very close friend of the family (like my 2nd mother) asked FI and I last week if we were registering. My FI feels it's too much to ask since people that are coming are paying so much to come with us. I was on the fence but the more ppl I've talked to think I should still do it.

I want to make it very low key and not broadcast it everywhere b/c I don't want ppl to feel obligated to get us gifts/money.


The only other thing I'm concerned with, is where to register? We have been living together for 3 yrs now and it does not really seem worth while to register somewhere like a big department store (as we have most things we need).

Our honeymoon is included in our price for our trip as we're just staying at the resort for a 2nd week.

So any suggestions on a registry?


As for the shower, I'm leaving that one up to my BM's and my mom. I won't be disapointed if it doesn't happen but I'm thinking they will probably do it anyway.



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Originally Posted by CND_Redhead View Post
I'm really glad I found this thread. A very close friend of the family (like my 2nd mother) asked FI and I last week if we were registering. My FI feels it's too much to ask since people that are coming are paying so much to come with us. I was on the fence but the more ppl I've talked to think I should still do it.
I want to make it very low key and not broadcast it everywhere b/c I don't want ppl to feel obligated to get us gifts/money.

The only other thing I'm concerned with, is where to register? We have been living together for 3 yrs now and it does not really seem worth while to register somewhere like a big department store (as we have most things we need).
Our honeymoon is included in our price for our trip as we're just staying at the resort for a 2nd week.
So any suggestions on a registry?

As for the shower, I'm leaving that one up to my BM's and my mom. I won't be disapointed if it doesn't happen but I'm thinking they will probably do it anyway.

I'm in the same boat as you! My husband and I have actually been married and living together for a year (we eloped)...but only our parents know! Our symbolic ceremony will be next year and we really don't need much. So I've been comtemplating going the 'wishing well' route. One of the other brides mentioned something similar earlier. Its basically a polite way of just requesting cash. check out this website
Gift Registry Online Gifts Registries Wedding Bridal Cash Money List - OurWishingWell.com
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