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Couch to 5k program


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How's everyone doing??!! I hope you haven't all given up, lol!


I just started week 5 today, 3-5 minute running block, it was tough, but doable, and I felt great afterwards.


I hope everyone's sticking with the plan!

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I started week 7 today! 25 min running stretches...YIKES! so I am doing ok...my goal is obviously to run 25 mins without walking at all but I did have to walk once today for like a minute...not too bad I know but STILL I really want to go the full 25! oh well maybe tomorrow!

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Originally Posted by Andi View Post
I started week 7 today! 25 min running stretches...YIKES! so I am doing ok...my goal is obviously to run 25 mins without walking at all but I did have to walk once today for like a minute...not too bad I know but STILL I really want to go the full 25! oh well maybe tomorrow!
Andi, great job! Yikes 25 minutes, I'm scared for the 20 minute run at the end of this week! That's not bad at all, just keep doing that one until you can run the whole thing, you can do it!

Originally Posted by ~Andrea~ View Post
OMG I haven't looked that far ahead! 25 minutes?!?!? I just started week 3 and could barely handle 3 minutes...YIKES!
That's what I thought about the 5 minute blocks but it really is doable. When I'm on the treadmill I just have to avoid looking at the clock and concentrate on the music or the TV.

Originally Posted by carly View Post
Andi, that's awesome!! I totally gave up on this. Perhaps I'll start it up again after we get back from vacation next week. I really want to be healthier, but I hate actually doing anything physical.
You can do it Carly, when you get back from Vaca start it up!
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doug and i started this yesterday! ive been wanting to do it for a while but its so much more fun with a partner, so im glad doug decided to join me! even tho he is much more in shape than i am and runs faster, etc. towards the end i turned around and met back up with him so we could end together and not have to keep running to find each other!


i didnt read this whole thread, but did anyone else get the C25K app, the green one with the sguiggle runner man on the pic? LOVED IT!!!!! oh wow it helped so so so much! i actually cheered when the halfway audible alert sounded hahahaha :), and whenever it told me "ding ding ding, WALK" i yelled "woohoo!"


Originally Posted by Andi View Post
but now that i did it, i want to go do it again! i might be getting addicted to running, yuck that is gross! hahaha
holy moly! thats how i feel too, scary but after just one time im itching to get back out there for w1d2...

Originally Posted by ~Andrea~ View Post
OMG I haven't looked that far ahead! 25 minutes?!?!? I just started week 3 and could barely handle 3 minutes...YIKES!
uh oh. sounds scary! im trying not to look ahead, just take one day at a time. i need to come back and read thru this thread tho when i have more time to see what tips and tricks to look for :)
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Abbie- That is the app I have!!!


I took a break for th toe injury and skiing stuff, I was hoping to restart at week 3 this week but we have been soo busy and have stuff planned everynight. I hope things settle back down next week and I can get started again!

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im gonna come back and edit in my comments later, i just didnt want to lose my MQ's and i gotta go back to work now :)


Originally Posted by cathyandchin View Post
I started last night! I thought I was going to trip on the treadmill when I started jogging!! It wasn't too bad, I'll go again tomorrow hopefully after one day of rest.

I downloaded podrunner from iTunes and it helped me find a rhythm and keep me going. I'm looking through the apps right now to figure out which one to get... It's a pain to keep track of the time on the treadmill!!

Good luck to all of us :)

Originally Posted by TA Jill View Post
I'm planning to start this tomorrow, but I have a question for those of you that have done this.


How do you know what speed you should go at when you're supposed to run? Is it just the speed you feel comfortable at? and should it be a fast paced run or like a jogging pace that you feel like you could do comfortably for a long time?


I printed out the program and thought maybe it would give an idea of pace, but it doesn't and I suppose it's different for everyone, but was wondering everyone's thoughts on this.

Originally Posted by cathyandchin View Post
So I finished week 1 and I'm soo excited! When I was doing my runs yesterday I was able to go up to a 5 and go the entire 60 seconds without thinking "OMG, when can I start to walk again?!" When I started day 1 I could only go like 15 seconds before wincing!

I found these podcasts with some GREAT music and it's timed for the Couch to 5K program. It will start to count down over the music when it's time to switch it up.


Go Nicole Yourself!: Couch to 5k Podcast Page


Happy running girls!!

Originally Posted by TA Jill View Post
I always wear capris or pants too, for exactly the reason you said, I don't like how they ride up, lol!


I'm going to do my last day of week 2 today and will start week 3 tomorrow.

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Oh man! I miss this thread... I've been so busy tutoring and FI's son's baseball practices that I can't get to the gym enough. I've been on week 3 for sooo long! But luckily next week I can start going back since school is almost out!!


Anyone using the c25k app and nicole blum's podcast together? I'm so frustrated because I like seeing the time go for each run/walk and the music is awesome too but when I have them both going the app pauses the music for a few seconds and then all my timing is off!!



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