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Couch to 5k program


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Ok, good to know, so my elliptical most be all out of whack. I think I'll continue to watch them to make sure that I progress as the program goes on, but I'll know that they aren't accurate.


Also nice to know that it's a bit more of a workout, perhaps I will stick with the elliptical a little longer before moving outside. Or maybe I'll switch it up once I'm brave enough to run outside.

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I usually like running outside just because I like getting the fresh air, and interacting with other runners/walkers/dogs etc... I find it easier to just zone out and pay attention to something other than the running. When I first started running 6 years ago I would jog for 5min then walk until I caught my breath again, and just made sure to stay outside and kept my heart rate up for 30-40 min. I found it really easy to do, and I would alternate, one day outside run, one day inside elliptical or rowing machine.


Keep up the awesome work!! cheesy.gif

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I did day two of week 3 yesterday, it was much better than day 1!!


I went to hailey's practice and walked the track while she practiced, I'm thinking I probably did about 3 miles walking and then when I got home I did C25K outside before it got dark.


I was always so nervous about running outside, I don't know if it's being self conscious or just worried that I wouldn't be able to keep up and have to stop, but it really it so nice being outside and the program seemed so much easier, even when I was jogging up a hill, lol! Carly, I totally think you can do it outside, once you do it once and you see how good it feels, I think you'll be good!

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I agree with Ana I really like to run outside I feel "free" I know that sounds funny but on the treadmill I feel like it just gets too boring and I just stare at the clock outside I am able to hit flat areas, hills pretty much I determine where I want to go and what I want to look at. The other good thing about outside you cant just hop off once you run away from the house you must get back :-) You gals are doing a great job before you know it you will just be addicted and add on.

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I agree with the other girls- running is SO much better and easier for me outside. It's like you are going somewhere, seeing trees, people, etc. I too end up just staring at the clock alot on the treadmill and elliptical.


Did you try it again last night Car??


You're doing great Jill!! I'm a little scared to get to week 3 but it seems like the trend is that the 1st of the new week is hard and then the next two are easier.... so we'll see!


I did day three of week one last night and felt GREAT! Don't get me wrong I still had moments of ugh! but overall it was way easier and I even felt like I wanted to do more. We did add one extra running interval and walked about 10 more minutes home after finishing. I'm exciting to start week 2.. hopefully either tomorrow night or Saturday but we'll see if the weather and my schedule cooperate!!

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No, I didn't go another yet b/c I did the first on Tuesday. I think next week, I'll move them to M-W-F with my other challenges, but for this week, I gave myself the break in them middle.


I'm also redoing week 3 of the push-ups b/c I had a really hard time at the end of the week. That squats are still really easy and the crunches are getting harder!


You guys are really doing awesome and for some reason I'm really motivated by the threads this time around. Usually by now, I'm getting bored with it and making excuses not to do it, but so far I've been good. If I skip a day, I make up for it later, so I'm being accountable which I don't know if that has ever happened before! And it's all thanks to all the other hard workers! So keep it up!

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I've got to try these pushups, squats, crunches you speak of... those were apps too right?


I won't lie. I cant do a single pushup without the cheating kind where my knees are on the floor. Sad but true. I really have no upper body stregnth.

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Kristina - don't feel bad! I started off with 1 too and it was a shitty 1 at that. I can now to 12, but they are hard. They're easy up to about 7 for me now, so I'm feeling really good about that program! You can do it! I'm redoing week 3, b/c that was really hard for me.

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To measure the distance you can use either a watch like the Garmin with a GPS that tracks your movement, heart rate, distance, pace etc... (its my fave). Or you can use something like Map My Run MapMyRun.com - Map your Run, Running Routes. Find Runs Anywhere. Join our Running Community of Runners. Run GPS, GPS, Running Social Network. Google Map Run, Calculate Calories, Online Pedometer, Distance, iPhone, and More.


I think all you girls are doing awesome, the other thing I found that really helped me was having a running partner. Someone that you can make plans with to run, who will push you to go out there even the days that you don't want to, and who will challenge your speed and distance. In canada we have running groups and clinics you can join. I used to run with my roommates in university, then Running Room clinic, etc...

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