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Couch to 5k program


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Hi guys - i just started this a few weeks ago. Yesterday was my first day at week 4 - so far so good


How is everyone else??


Jill - YAY for week 9 thats great!!!

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awww, thanks girls! I never would have found the program, started it, or continued it without all of your support!


I was watching the biggest loser last night and they had to run a marathon, all I could think about was that I only did 30 minutes straight, and these contestants were jogging for 4-6 hours straight! I had a hard enough time just getting through 30 minutes, lol!


For anyone just starting, it's defiinitely do-able if you stick with it. Now I just need to work on improving my speed a little bit.

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Ok, I started up the program last night. W1D1 and it was still freaking hard. I wish I had a treadmill instead of an elliptical b/c it's hard to "run" on an elliptical. But I need to stick with it this time. I think I'll put a tv in the extra bedroom, so I can keep myself occupied for the 30 minutes. I'm also setting a goal for when I move outside - week 4. I think by then, I should be able to do it and not embarrass myself too much.


I also re-started the crunch, push-up and squat challenges last night too.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's really not bad if you follow the program. Sometimes the first day of a week would be tough because it was new, but by the second day of that week I was usually fine.


I finished this program a couple of weeks ago and have since missed going to the gym for the past two weeks!!


I'm going tonight and am going to try to do the week 9 workout, I don't know if I'll be able to finish with two weeks off, but I'm going to try!

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I just officially started back into this last night. I started from the beginning... and it was tough. I feel akward pushing a stroller while running, and it's much harder. But, I have no choice and hopefully it will make me stronger.

I do really love the C25K program for my iTouch though. It's much nicer than having a piece of paper or watching a stop watch.


So... here's to progress I suppose!

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