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Weight Loss support for 2011 brides!!


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Hey ladies, so I have three months left! Iv been trying to get in shape since january after gaining 10 lbs in jamaica when we got engaged. I have just recently over the past month been going to the gym regularly and eating right. I have lost 8 lbs and I feel great! I have really noticed a difference in my upper body and now I would just like to tone up the lower half! Squats and lunges for me! I have been doing 2 body pump classes a week At goodlife fitness and cardio other days when I can fit it in. I just need to stick to it my boudoir is next month. Any orther sugestions for toning up the lower half quickly?

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Absolutely!!!!    That is totally doable...just remember if you hit a wall, up your intencity!  :)


You should be TOTALLY pumped about the 50lbs...congrats, that is unreal!!!  I am down 25 since January, and honestly, really wanted to be down 20 more before my big day, but with less than 2 months to go, its looking like it won't happen.


I have fought and fought, but my body is just NOT cooperating!  I honestly can't cut anymore food out, and the nutritionist/naturopath are just as confused as I am....

I am still keeping up with my workouts, but I recently hurt my back and neck again, and do not have even close to full range of motion...erghhhh!


You can do this no prob  Just stick to your plan, and keep your eye on the prize..... 


Originally Posted by MichCraw View Post

Ladies I need some encouragement for the last few months before the wedding.... for those brides that the wedding is coming in the next 2-3-4 months.... are you still fighting to get those pounds/inches off??? For the last couple of months, i've been struggling... i'm down 50 pounds since January which is amazing .. however it's been hard since July to get myself motivated to reach my final goal..... another 9-10 pounds and I should be where I want to be!! Eekkk 3months and the wedding will be here ... will I be able to do it is the quesiton!!


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Reverse Hypers (on the ball....lie on your stomach, and lift your legs up, at the same time)....totally works your glutes!

Step ups or Jump ups......two feet...jump up (onto a platform)..some gyms have boxes you can do jump ups on.



Way to go on the weight loss!!!! 


Originally Posted by morgan7 View Post

Hey ladies, so I have three months left! Iv been trying to get in shape since january after gaining 10 lbs in jamaica when we got engaged. I have just recently over the past month been going to the gym regularly and eating right. I have lost 8 lbs and I feel great! I have really noticed a difference in my upper body and now I would just like to tone up the lower half! Squats and lunges for me! I have been doing 2 body pump classes a week At goodlife fitness and cardio other days when I can fit it in. I just need to stick to it my boudoir is next month. Any orther sugestions for toning up the lower half quickly?


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Thanks for the encouragement .. we are somewhat in the same boat.. I too have serious back problems, therefore my exercises are limited these days... i'm still doing the most I can .. I really think it's the eating habits that are keeping me from losing those final pounds... I have my boudoir session this friday!! Eekkk I was really psyched about doing it .. but now that the date is getting closer i'm chickening out!! Something that helped me out when I was plateauing, was drinking protein shakes just after my workouts... there are some good ones out there just 100 calories each and they repair your muscles quickly...since i've been doing that it's amazing how much my body has toned up... no bulky muscles I promise!!!

Originally Posted by Mwise17 View Post

Absolutely!!!!    That is totally doable...just remember if you hit a wall, up your intencity!  :)


You should be TOTALLY pumped about the 50lbs...congrats, that is unreal!!!  I am down 25 since January, and honestly, really wanted to be down 20 more before my big day, but with less than 2 months to go, its looking like it won't happen.


I have fought and fought, but my body is just NOT cooperating!  I honestly can't cut anymore food out, and the nutritionist/naturopath are just as confused as I am....

I am still keeping up with my workouts, but I recently hurt my back and neck again, and do not have even close to full range of motion...erghhhh!


You can do this no prob  Just stick to your plan, and keep your eye on the prize..... 




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I agree with the protein shakes. After a hard core workout, you want to replenish those muscles so they can recover quickly and you could look great sooner. Give your muscles what they need and they will do the rest.... which is burn fat and make you look good! I have 1 month and 3 days to go till the big day!! I have definitely stepped up my workouts and have been clean eating as well. I still however, have my wine one or two days a week. I recently had my boudoir shoot and I was very pleased! I was confident not only in my clothing, but in my own skin. I will share a teaser with you gals hopefully tomorrow. Stick to it ladies!! YOU CAN DO IT!!

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Thank you, I use to do that all the time, and stopped for whatever reason...I am going to start doing it again. 

I have protein in my fruit shake I have for breakfast every morning, wonder if I should switch it up and have it after workout instead (right now am having 1/2 before and the other 1/2 after..I guess technically I am having protein after my workouts...hahha..sorry, its late for me!)


Keep me updated on how your doing...and NO WORRIES...I am sure you look awesome, and you are going to rock that photoshoot!!!!  You just need to get a few pics taken and get more comfortable....let us know how it goes....you can do it! 


Originally Posted by MichCraw View Post

Thanks for the encouragement .. we are somewhat in the same boat.. I too have serious back problems, therefore my exercises are limited these days... i'm still doing the most I can .. I really think it's the eating habits that are keeping me from losing those final pounds... I have my boudoir session this friday!! Eekkk I was really psyched about doing it .. but now that the date is getting closer i'm chickening out!! Something that helped me out when I was plateauing, was drinking protein shakes just after my workouts... there are some good ones out there just 100 calories each and they repair your muscles quickly...since i've been doing that it's amazing how much my body has toned up... no bulky muscles I promise!!!



You go girl...yes, please...share!  :)


My photographer canceled on me, and I haven't been able to find another that does good work and for a decent price.  :(

I don't know what I am going to get FI for his gift now...better start thinking!!!!



Originally Posted by DiamondGirl View Post

I agree with the protein shakes. After a hard core workout, you want to replenish those muscles so they can recover quickly and you could look great sooner. Give your muscles what they need and they will do the rest.... which is burn fat and make you look good! I have 1 month and 3 days to go till the big day!! I have definitely stepped up my workouts and have been clean eating as well. I still however, have my wine one or two days a week. I recently had my boudoir shoot and I was very pleased! I was confident not only in my clothing, but in my own skin. I will share a teaser with you gals hopefully tomorrow. Stick to it ladies!! YOU CAN DO IT!!


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WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!  You look fabulous!!!!!  :)


You should be super happy, great pic!!!!!!!    I wish I could find another photographer :(

I might just save it for our 1st anniversary perhaps!


Congrats on all your hard work paying off!





Originally Posted by DiamondGirl View Post

Here's my Teaser as I promised before! 




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