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Weight Loss support for 2011 brides!!


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Hey ladies, good job getting your FI involved! We also both started diet and workouts today, although I don't think he's going to be working out lol. We went to the grocery store yesterday and he was cringing at all of the healthy food but he's being a good sport which is amazing support for me! We actually got confirmation of our wedding booking today so that's my wake up call to get my buns in gear!

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I started going to the gym with my FI. He is a wonderful support system.. I just feel healthy. I don't have a goal to lose weight but i sure would like to look toned. My suggestion lost of cardio with weight training and have a partner that will push you that much harder..... and a positive attitude the weight will drop right off :)

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Hey ladies,

Ive already met some of you in other threads and to be honest I havent ventured on to the weight loss section of the forum before, I dont know why really maybe its the reality of knowing i have to loose weight or just the fat of having to loose weight frustrates me... I HATE EXERCISE with an absolute passion, it gets me in such a bad mood, and i just hate the fact that i know i have to do some with my dieting to be in with a chance of looking good on our wedding day jiggy.gif


THANK GOD i have a supportive FI who is also great at pushing me... If it wasnt for him there is noway i would get up off the couch to excersise, noway on this earth!!!pokestick.gif


OK so 6 weeks ago we together decided that im to loose weight (24lbs) and my FI needs to put it on and build himself up. So i have started healthy eating along with FI and im doing 30 mins exercise a night whilst FI is doing P90X to build himself up.


So i get in form work and do 30 mins on the exercise bike... this is enough for me now and shortly i will start to do crunches and a few weights to help tone me up.


FI is really good he does about an hour and a half everyday (except sun) 4 days a week he dose weights etc 2 days he does the bike and the stepper. He is SO SO up 4 it pinkie.gif


I am so glad he gets on at me to do it... I do have a vision in my head and other than FI getting me to do it, i do know its what i want to do and what i have to do to be the way I want on my wedding day smile123.gif


I have cereal for breakfast everyday for lunch i have 3 dutch crispbread things with cottage cheese and an apple for afterwards, for tea i then have either fish or chicken with veg. once a week we have a steak with veg. FI has devised a plan for both us using somehting online, it calculates, fat, cals, sugars, protein etc.




So far i have lost 10lbs and am so so proud of myself :-) I cant see it yet or feel it but im hoping that when i get to the 1 stone mark i will start seeing results, and as i have said to FI if i could start to see or feel it, it may change the way i feel, but at the moment i just feel im doing all this hard work for nothing!!!! :-(


Sorry for such a long start to joining you, and reading back i have done nothing but moan... SORRY.... i think i just needed to get it of my chest pokestick.gif




Thanks Ladies...



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Nicola that is awesome! You and your FI are doing amazingly well. You should both be proud of yourselves.


I totally agree with you...I have a vision in my head of how I want to look on my wedding day (not to mention on the beach in a bikini) and it's helping me get through when all I want in the world is a Blizzard from Dairy Queen. I started working out yesterday (just walking/jogging) and already feel better. I'm going to try for 3 days a week to start out, and then up it from there.



This morning I get to work and FI sent me an e-mail. It said "I love you very much, but I have to confess to something, and I'm not proud of it.


I cheated.







On my diet!! I had three cookies after you went to bed"



I almost fell out of my chair laughing...that is, after my first reaction of wanting to kick his ass for saying he CHEATED! That boy...always keeping me on my toes :)

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Originally Posted by cjb0arder13 View Post
Nicola that is awesome! You and your FI are doing amazingly well. You should both be proud of yourselves.

I totally agree with you...I have a vision in my head of how I want to look on my wedding day (not to mention on the beach in a bikini) and it's helping me get through when all I want in the world is a Blizzard from Dairy Queen. I started working out yesterday (just walking/jogging) and already feel better. I'm going to try for 3 days a week to start out, and then up it from there.

This morning I get to work and FI sent me an e-mail. It said "I love you very much, but I have to confess to something, and I'm not proud of it.

I cheated.

On my diet!! I had three cookies after you went to bed"

I almost fell out of my chair laughing...that is, after my first reaction of wanting to kick his ass for saying he CHEATED! That boy...always keeping me on my toes :)
Haha, i had to laugh out loud to this....
Its funny how guilty we feel when we "cheat" as much as i could eat a horse and want crisps and sweets... i know if i sit with them i will feel sick with guilt.
We had a cheat day together a few days ago, we went to Tesco and bought a ready to eat cumberland sausage and a ready to eat hot and spicy sausage, now when i say this i mean it... we could taste the fat!!!
Everytime i licked my lips i could feel the layer of fat... not only did we feel sick with guilt but felt sick!!!!
Then we had a Burger in a bun when we got home (with cheese) which was nice and we used the george foreman grill (to try to be healthy!!!!!!) and afterwards we were both like that was so so nice but we shouldnt have done it.... we'd been saying for days how we wanted one and then when we did we couldnt enjoy out of guilt!!! haha....
We both did double on the exercise bike that night!! haha.

Like you though im also worried about being in my bikini on a beach infront of friends and family especially FSIL who is tall and has a lovely figure, and im just short and dumpy!!!! next year i will be short and lovely :-) xox
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Welcome Nicola!! Great job already losing 10 pounds!! I'm restarting the workout and diet regime that I originally tried to start in April.... And May.... And June... :0 But this time I do feel more prepared, probably because it's getting to the point of no choice!! I'm on my second day of p90x and have been doing well, although I did have one coffee with cream and sugar yesterday and today, which was something I had said I would give up... But otherwise I amazingly stuck to my diet which is usually something that's impossible for me!! My buns are so sore today I can hardly sit down, but I just keep picturing my bathing suit and remember why I'm torturing myself.


Celina - I laughed at my computer screen! What a clever FI you have, you are a very lucky girl! Besides the near heart attack of course wink.gif


We just can't forget to keep supporting each other ladies, together we can all acheive our goals and look beautiful at our weddings!!!


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Originally Posted by aella View Post
Welcome Nicola!! Great job already losing 10 pounds!! I'm restarting the workout and diet regime that I originally tried to start in April.... And May.... And June... :0 But this time I do feel more prepared, probably because it's getting to the point of no choice!! I'm on my second day of p90x and have been doing well, although I did have one coffee with cream and sugar yesterday and today, which was something I had said I would give up... But otherwise I amazingly stuck to my diet which is usually something that's impossible for me!! My buns are so sore today I can hardly sit down, but I just keep picturing my bathing suit and remember why I'm torturing myself.

Celina - I laughed at my computer screen! What a clever FI you have, you are a very lucky girl! Besides the near heart attack of course wink.gif

We just can't forget to keep supporting each other ladies, together we can all acheive our goals and look beautiful at our weddings!!!
Thanks Alison! Yes, my fiance is adorable, I am very very lucky hug2.gif

Sore buns are never fun! Especially because you get reminded of them any time you sit down...or stand up...or go to the bathroom...you get the picture. My quads are a-burning today because I did squats/lunges for the first time in, like, a year on Monday, and I am hurtin! No pain, no gain though right??

I kind of want to try P90X, but I'm scared to death I'll barf and pass out. I'm waaaaay out of shape. We have the video..maybe I'll try to talk FI into doing it together. As long as he promises not to make fun of my spastic lack of coordination...
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Originally Posted by cjb0arder13 View Post
Thanks Alison! Yes, my fiance is adorable, I am very very lucky hug2.gif

Sore buns are never fun! Especially because you get reminded of them any time you sit down...or stand up...or go to the bathroom...you get the picture. My quads are a-burning today because I did squats/lunges for the first time in, like, a year on Monday, and I am hurtin! No pain, no gain though right??

I kind of want to try P90X, but I'm scared to death I'll barf and pass out. I'm waaaaay out of shape. We have the video..maybe I'll try to talk FI into doing it together. As long as he promises not to make fun of my spastic lack of coordination...

haha I'm chuckling at my FI who's bouncing away in the other room right now to p90x smile123.gif I think he's a little more motivated today as we paid our deposit and our wedding is actually completely confirmed!! No more steps!! Now just for everyone to book :)

I felt really hungry today, almost caved into some goodies when I came home from work. Hence why I immediately logged on to BDW to try and restrain myself!!! And I'm tired from getting up early to work out before work sad.gif sorry for being a whine fest, once I get my vent out I'll be re-motivated and good to go!!!

I like the fact that p90x sets everything up for you. It seems like if you following the program you will succeed because they definitely have all of the bases covered. I need that or else I'll just get frustrated and fall off the wagon... Tomorrow is day 4! Over halfway through my first week!
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Morning ladies, Hope were all good today? :-)


Just stopping by, i weigh myself today :-s


Didnt do my exercise last night was just too tired, I feel so guilty now its a new day.... I can always work harder tonight though!!!! Hopefully Ive lost at least a pound this week.



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