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Weight Loss support for 2011 brides!!


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I feel for you!!  I have been there, and it sucks!!!

Keep going!  sounds like you are doing all the right things, and it will pay off soon!!!  I know how much it sucks, and unfortunately us ladies past 30 tend to have an even more difficult time! 



Originally Posted by melissa43 View Post

I can relate.  I am 42. I excercise at least 4 times a week and starting go to WW 8 wks ago. I have only lost 3lbs.  Social life?  What's that?   Today is Cinco de Mayo.  Everyone is the office is going out for lunch not me.  I have to get weighed in tonight.  I weight myself this morning have not lost a thing.  I actually gianed.  How?  I don't know.  Followed the points, tracked and worked out.  I am also getting very discouraged.  I can't give up.  I am hoping it will show it the way my clothes fits.  





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I have not had a chance to updat but I weighed in on Thursday, I lost 1.4lbs.  I was super excited.  6lbs to go.  Does not sound like a lot but for me it is.  It is going to take a lot of hard work to do it.  This weekend killed me.   We celebrated Mother' Day twice.  My mom and grandmother on Friday.  For me and my future mother in law on Sunday.  I worked out like crazy this morning and walked at lunch for an hour.  I will have to do this everyday to work off what I ate this weekend.  Thursday is weigh in day.  Wish me luck!!

Originally Posted by Mwise17 View Post

I feel for you!!  I have been there, and it sucks!!!

Keep going!  sounds like you are doing all the right things, and it will pay off soon!!!  I know how much it sucks, and unfortunately us ladies past 30 tend to have an even more difficult time! 





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I have not updated in awhile..after 3 weeks off due to injury and a cold I'm back to working out and lost 3 pounds this week. 2 more to go and I've met my goal..leaving for Mexico in 37 days...time to get those 2 lbs off and then tone up

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Congrats girls!  I think I need to change up my workout routine.  I've been doing the "superslow" workout for almost 6 weeks now (along with cardio on my other days) and I'm not seeing the result that I hoped for.  I'm definitely stronger and can see definition in certain spots but not all over.  The concept is that you do weight training at heavy weights and really slow reps so you are really using the muscles instead of using the momentum from a regular type movement.  Its supposed to have the same (if not better) benefit as regular weight training where your metabolism speeds up because of the constant muscle restoration.  But for sure I'm not seeing that part - I swear my metabolism is slower than ever even though I totally feel the muscles burning!  I'm going to continue but will step up my cardio training days.  I've been really good about food until this weekend (had friends from out of town).  I have less than 6 weeks to go so I'm getting a little nervous.

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YEAH!!!  :)

That is great!  1.4lbs down!  You can do it, it'll be tough, but work it out....and off!


I have been on this hormone diet and its been a week (it sucks)...its very restrictive, but I'm going to stick with it for another week (perhaps 2)....I haven't weighed myself yet, will do it on Monday, hopefully I lose something, or I will be super upset!

Good Luck!!!

Originally Posted by melissa43 View Post

I have not had a chance to updat but I weighed in on Thursday, I lost 1.4lbs.  I was super excited.  6lbs to go.  Does not sound like a lot but for me it is.  It is going to take a lot of hard work to do it.  This weekend killed me.   We celebrated Mother' Day twice.  My mom and grandmother on Friday.  For me and my future mother in law on Sunday.  I worked out like crazy this morning and walked at lunch for an hour.  I will have to do this everyday to work off what I ate this weekend.  Thursday is weigh in day.  Wish me luck!!



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Thank you for the for the positive feedback.  I don't know what the hormone diet is.  Good Luck!!  Let me know how you do. 

Yesterday I did  Jillian Michael's Boost Metabolism and today did her Trouble Zone.  I am having a hard time getting up from the chair but it is all good.  I will also try to keep it up. 

Originally Posted by Mwise17 View Post

YEAH!!!  :)

That is great!  1.4lbs down!  You can do it, it'll be tough, but work it out....and off!


I have been on this hormone diet and its been a week (it sucks)...its very restrictive, but I'm going to stick with it for another week (perhaps 2)....I haven't weighed myself yet, will do it on Monday, hopefully I lose something, or I will be super upset!

Good Luck!!!



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Hey there....


The hormone diet is to try to regulate your thyroid gland (I have hypothyroidism) with food instead of synthetic hormones via pills everyday. 

I have been on it a week and a few days and have lost 5 pounds!!! 


I haven't exercised at all, but keep in mind, I need to start (lol), and I need to lose about 25-30 more.  The beginning is a cleanse, which is what I have been on for the last week, so it was quite restrictive (no dairy, refined carbohydrates, caffeine, sugar) so I have been living off eggs/protein shakes/chicken salads/turkey burgers with lettuce leafs (totally miss the bun!!!)  but I feel REALLY good!

When is your next weigh in?



Originally Posted by melissa43 View Post

Thank you for the for the positive feedback.  I don't know what the hormone diet is.  Good Luck!!  Let me know how you do. 

Yesterday I did  Jillian Michael's Boost Metabolism and today did her Trouble Zone.  I am having a hard time getting up from the chair but it is all good.  I will also try to keep it up. 



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Hello Mich1111 & melissa43,


I completely understand what you're going through. When I started working out I knew I had 25lbs to lose. My fiance (now husband) also started working out and weight literally fell off of him as I worked out doing everything possible (and eating healthy) and didn't lose it nearly as fast. The good news is, a healthy diet & exercise do truly work, but if I can suggest anything - mix up your workouts. I was never a "sporty" person, and through preparing for my wedding I somewhat see myself as one now. I literally took everything under the sun from pole dance fitness (true story) to Zumba, Pilates, P90x & running on the elliptical. I truly think the key is mixing it up and not letting yourself get bored. Running on the treadmill gets extremely boring for me and relying on stressful diets never worked for me either. I'm happy to say I've kept all of the weigh off and we're celebrating our 1 year anniversary in a month. It CAN be done! Once you get the initial weight off, it's all about maintenance and you won't have to worry about counting every single calorie. On the positive side, this can be a truly life changing experience that you're doing while preparing for one of the best days of your life! Good luck to you both and please let me know if you have any questions or need any motivation (we could all use some now and again!).

Originally Posted by Mich1111 View Post


That's pretty much almost the same diet we're on. We can only eat 1/2 cup of carbs for breakfast and lunch. The rest is protein, veggie and fruit. We only started this week and we've already both lost about 4 lbs! This CAN'T be real and I'm afraid that once I start adding carbs back into my diet, I'll gain it all back! So I guess we'll have to really be careful until November and just eat THIS healthy for 6 months...yikes!!!



Originally Posted by melissa43 View Post

I can relate.  I am 42. I excercise at least 4 times a week and starting go to WW 8 wks ago. I have only lost 3lbs.  Social life?  What's that?   Today is Cinco de Mayo.  Everyone is the office is going out for lunch not me.  I have to get weighed in tonight.  I weight myself this morning have not lost a thing.  I actually gianed.  How?  I don't know.  Followed the points, tracked and worked out.  I am also getting very discouraged.  I can't give up.  I am hoping it will show it the way my clothes fits.  





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LOL....me too!  weight loss or none, we are all getting MARRIED SOMEWHERE HOT!!!!!



Originally Posted by futuremrstgun View Post

i'm an Iberostar Rosehall Beach resort bride and i can't wait!  although, i haven't lost ANY weight..i'm still excited!!!  woo hoo!!!!  R~


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