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Weight Loss support for 2011 brides!!


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I just went back and read all the original posts and I LOVE the idea of using a pedometer! That way I'll see how much I've actually moved, and maybe my inner competitiveness will kick in to try and get to a certain number :) I'm going to take a look for one tomorrow! I'll keep you all posted!

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Originally Posted by jerzshortstuff View Post
I need to lose some weight before my wedding in April as well. I am going to look back through this thread hoping to get some ideas on exercise and nutrition. But, does everyone do WW? I am really tight on money so I am hesitant to spend money on WW meetings. Any suggestions? In the meantime, Im gonna look through the previous posts!

We can do this girls!
I still do WW and go to meetings even though I'm a lifetime member now. I find that once I get in the habit of not going, my weight starts to creep back up 1-2 lbs at a time. Even if I'm not actively tracking, the meetings force me to check in with myself and be accountable. Otherwise, it's so easy to deceive myself.
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I'm glad I found this thread. I want to lose about 50+ lbs by my wedding day and would like to lose 25 lbs by mid september. I know I can do it but motivation is just not there. I mean I used to be in great shape but the stress of life and health took a major toll on me and the fact that my FI and his family love to eat and of course he doesn't gain a pound while I gain the weight for the both of us. I have tried WW several times and it just doesn't seem to work for me. What has worked for me in the past has been to find a work out partner. I have trying to convince some friends of mine to be a workout partner a couple of a days a week but I have been unsuccessful as our schedules just don't work. So if anyone in the New Jersey area wants to meet up a couple of days for biking, walking, tennis or anything else PM me : )

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Originally Posted by Canadiansandy View Post
What a great thread! I'm trying to lose 10 pounds by my wedding May 4th...it might not sound like much, but I've been trying to lose these 10 pounds for the past year or so. My weight will just not budge! My eating habits are okay, the problem is I sit at my desk alllll day long and then come home and sit at my computer or on the couch all night! I need to get motivated and get moving! Hoping the support here will help :)
Tell me about it canadiansandy!! I sit at a desk all day long, and then go home and sit! Sitting all day does not motivate you at all!!! Im getting married next April and would like to lose at least 30 more pounds! Ive lost 10 lbs so far, its a lot harder than I thought it would be. I dont even want to go near a dress store until I lose at least another 15 lbs or so. Love this thread, we can do this ladies!!!!
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Well I agree with all the ladies before me what a great thread. I just had a baby in April and will be getting married in February 2011. I would at least like to loose all the weight I gained with the baby so far I have lost 20lbs of baby weight but am at a plateau. I downloaded the couch to 5k ipod app and was doing really well but now haven't been to the gym for 2 weeks. It is really difficult because I can only go to the gym when FI is home and he works shift work so it isn't consistant. I hope to start up again Monday and hopefully stick with it this time. I have about 20lbs more to go before February to put me back to my pre pregnancy size. I already have my dress but would love to have to get it taken in.


I will be checking in with everyone to see how the weight lose is working for everyone else.

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Finding this Site has been the best thing!


I too would like to lose at least 20 pounds for my wedding. It's so funny because people are always like have you gone dress shopping, when are you going dress shopping, and im like i refuse to go try on a dress. I know how i am , it's only gonna send me into a funk.


I joined WW in March, did well for a while but always found it hard to keep track on the weekends. I started walking this week a few times, I cannot say that I am too busy to workout because lately all i do is go home and hang out with the fi. But I just cannot seem to get motivated.

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Originally Posted by mrsmaxx2b View Post
It's so funny because people are always like have you gone dress shopping, when are you going dress shopping, and im like i refuse to go try on a dress. I know how i am , it's only gonna send me into a funk.
I'm the exact same way!! I haven't gone dress shopping either, and now I'm getting stressed about it cuz the wedding is in less than six months!

Originally Posted by mrsmaxx2b View Post
I cannot say that I am too busy to workout because lately all i do is go home and hang out with the fi. But I just cannot seem to get motivated.
Ugh...I hear you on this. And I keep making excuses for myself too. Like this week I've been working on invites after work, and I tell myself, that after I'm done all the invites and they're in the mail, then I'll start going to the gym again! I'm my own worst enemy!
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Awesome thread!! I want to lose weight before I go dress shopping in the fall. I won't even walk into a store until I lose some more weight. I have lost 15 lbs so far since the beginning of May thanks to Boot Camp and Squash!! I just wish I could cut some stuff out of my "diet" but it's hard and you can't deprive yourself of everything. I hope to be down another 10lbs before October this year.


Thanks for starting this thread and good luck ladies!!

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After almost a month I was able to lose another 2lbs so I'm down 21lbs so far It is getting harder and harder to loose - Is anyone else find that to be true? I still have about 15lbs to go. I know I can't give up and I have to keep working at it - so that's my advise to you ladies....Also I was told to have my carbs earlier in the day rather than in the evening - try it - I hope it works!

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