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Weight Loss support for 2011 brides!!


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I am getting married on June 8th 2011 and would like to lose 85lbs by then. I know it is a lot. I used to be skinny but 3 kids in 7 years has taken its toll. I am thinking about the Jillian Michaels 30 shred. It got really good reviews but she really...really gets on my nerves. I'm open to any ideas!!

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I've only read the first page and I'm already loving this thread. I've been trying to lose 60lbs for my June nuptials. I got off to a running start and lost 12lbs between Feb and Mar of this year BUT life happened. My workouts went from 5 to 4 to 3 days a week; now I haven't been to the gym since May 5th. Ladies, I fell off of the wagon and it backed over me! This thread is motivating me to get back on, especially since I want to be to at least half my goal by late fall to start dress shopping.


I will do this thread like I did many others that I was late joining - print it off and read it on the treadmill to catch up. Wish me luck!!! (You'll hear more from me once I'm caught up. I hate to be redundant.)

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Hello everyone - I cant believe I have missed this thread previously. I have lost a stone this year to date but have put on a couple of pounds in the last few weeks - I have 8lb to lose by the end of the year as getting married in January 2011 - but these last few pounds are proving v hard to shift - harder than when i first started!!!


The 'ole ww points calculator has come out of the drawer this morning......




Good luck everyone.

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I totally forgot about this thread! I have restarted today and need to lose about an additional 46 LBS.


SouthernSweetie - I am there with you, wanting to lose at least half of the weight before going dress shopping. I went earlier and was discouraged on how the dresses looked on me. Of course everyone was saying how great they looked but to me looking at myself in the mirror that is not how I picture myself on my wedding day!


We can do this!

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YES!! This thread is awesome and exactly what I need. I've been trying to lose for a couple of months now but haven't really been as motivated as I'd like to be. I go to WW meetings (which I really like) but last week they gave me a free trial to WW etools to try out and I LOVE IT!

Anyway, I'm in the same boat as a lot of you.... tried on dresses last month and was really depressed about what I saw. It's interesting how you can lose perspective on how you "really" look. AND on top of that, wedding dresses are not the same size as our normal clothes!! UGH! That was a kick in the face :)

So the wedding is in April 2011 and I need a solid 50+ off! I'm marking this as one of my favorite threads and I think it would be really helpful and motivating track our results here and also vent when things get challenging. This is it ladies... think of how great we're going to feel looking at our wedding pictures!!! :)

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My goal is to loose around 20 pounds before my wedding in January. I have lost 8 pounds so far but seem to be at a standstill. I am eating healthy and going to the gym 5-6 times a week so I don't know why I can't get past the 8 pound mark. This is the part that frustrates me. I guess I need to kick my workouts into high gear.

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I really want to lose 15 lbs before our wedding in January. It's SOOO hard to stay motivated - and find time, especially when there's so much to do! I haven't even been dress shopping yet, because I'm scared to try on dresses with how I look now. Hopefully this thread will offer me some motivation!
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I need to lose some weight before my wedding in April as well. I am going to look back through this thread hoping to get some ideas on exercise and nutrition. But, does everyone do WW? I am really tight on money so I am hesitant to spend money on WW meetings. Any suggestions? In the meantime, Im gonna look through the previous posts!


We can do this girls!

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What a great thread! I'm trying to lose 10 pounds by my wedding May 4th...it might not sound like much, but I've been trying to lose these 10 pounds for the past year or so. My weight will just not budge! My eating habits are okay, the problem is I sit at my desk alllll day long and then come home and sit at my computer or on the couch all night! I need to get motivated and get moving! Hoping the support here will help :)

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