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Weight Loss support for 2011 brides!!


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Hi Ladies! First time on the site.......have been thinking of what diet to start in preparation for my June wedding... I need to loose 2 stone, im an all or nothing kind of girl so I have started on Celebrity Slim today which replaces 2 meals a day with shakes, then 1 healthy/low carb meal.........has anyone tried this before?? I will keep you all posted! Happy new year and happy slimming to you all x

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Diamond girl I am impressed you do the insanity workout! I tired it for three days and hated it so badly I dreaded leaving work knowing I had to go home to that video..lol...I went crazy this holiday season so I will be going back to what workouts I did last spring for my FI brothers wedding, biggest losers last chance workout, jillian michaels 30 day shred, jillian michaels yoga meltdown, physique 57 and running...I like to mix all those up because I get bored easily and I go to two local zumba/ zumba toning classes per week...I love the zumba classes so fun! Exercise is fine for me, my weakness is sweets, I won't be doing any fad diets, just eating healthy and correct portion size, good luck to all of you! I knwo I will need it!

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Originally Posted by mmcst38 View Post


Diamond girl I am impressed you do the insanity workout! I tired it for three days and hated it so badly I dreaded leaving work knowing I had to go home to that video..lol...I went crazy this holiday season so I will be going back to what workouts I did last spring for my FI brothers wedding, biggest losers last chance workout, jillian michaels 30 day shred, jillian michaels yoga meltdown, physique 57 and running...I like to mix all those up because I get bored easily and I go to two local zumba/ zumba toning classes per week...I love the zumba classes so fun! Exercise is fine for me, my weakness is sweets, I won't be doing any fad diets, just eating healthy and correct portion size, good luck to all of you! I knwo I will need it!

mmcst38- Insanity is no piece of cake! It's no JOKE! LOL I often push myself because it's mind over matter. When you pull through and get through the workout, you feel GREAT! You feel like you can do anything. The reality is... You can do anything! Because Insanity is so intense I break it up with the Jackie Warner videos. If I did Insanity everyday I'd become tired of it or maybe even too exhausted to do it. So I do both and alternate days. Wow! You do a lot. Your big problem is the SWEETS! If you cut down, you'll do fine. You should never deprive yourself.


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Ladies so happy I found this thread.  I've been down on myself the past few days because my wedding is 4 months away and I lost zero of the 30 lbs I wanted to lose before the wedding :(  Completely my fault I kept thinking I have time... well now I'm down to 16 weeks, yikes!


I'm going to try and go to the gym 4-5 times a week going forward and eat healthy.  Realistically can I lose 20lbs in 16 weeks?

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So I haven't gotten back into the workout routine yet (my wrists have been killing me from painting my basement and 30 Day Shred calls for push ups) but I have been eating much better.

Has anyone ever tried recipes from Now Eat This! by Rocco DiSpirito? I got it for Christmas from my FMIL (I asked for it) and it takes popular recipes and knocks down the calories to less than 350. I have made meals from it for the past two nights for dinner and both myself and my FI really like it so far. I made chicken piccata last night and tonight we had chicken tortilla soup (delish and nice for a snowy night).

So I have started to eat better and hopefully tomorrow morning I can get back into working out. Basement will be done soon so I will have workout space again as well :)

And we are getting a second pup next Friday so that will keep me moving :)

I have 11 months until the wedding, so I have time, but I just really want to feel great about myself.

I lost some weight before I went dress shopping and felt awesome. I don't have a ton to lose, maybe 10 pounds, but I need to tone so I look hot in a bikini!!

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Of course you can! If you cut an extra 1000 calories per day through diet and exercise from what you are currently doing you should technically lose 2 pounds per week. Diet is important one though - it is about 90% of the battle, exercise realistically only accounts for about 10% of weight loss so don't rely solely on that. And the good news is since you have 16 weeks you have plenty of time!


The real killer for weight loss is stress! So do whatever you can to have as little stress as possible, which is tough when you're planning a wedding and are putting pressure on yourself to lose the weight....believe me, I know!!



Originally Posted by ChicagoBride2011 View Post

Ladies so happy I found this thread.  I've been down on myself the past few days because my wedding is 4 months away and I lost zero of the 30 lbs I wanted to lose before the wedding :(  Completely my fault I kept thinking I have time... well now I'm down to 16 weeks, yikes!


I'm going to try and go to the gym 4-5 times a week going forward and eat healthy.  Realistically can I lose 20lbs in 16 weeks?

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GOOD LUCK, LADIES!!! We can do this! 


I'm not as concerned with weight (actual numbers on a scale) as I am obsessed with how I will look in my dress on the big day, bikini for several days, and by God and all things Holy, how the pictures will look. I am overall fine with my current weight, but I do need to tone/sculpt what I have. I am running, doing body (mostly core) exercises, yoga, and portion control on food. I love to cook. I love food. Butter is my best friend. No, really. When I was a kid, I would eat sticks of butter. Yes, gross, I know. 


Lose a couple inches in the middle, tone and sculpt everywhere, and multiple small meals a day. Now to stick to the plan and maintain. Gotta do this! 


Ooo... another thought. SOOOO scared (seriously had a nightmare about this the other night) about overeating the four days prior to the wedding! LOL All that "free" food and unlimited room service and drinks... Ahhh!!!!! :( I told FI I was gonna be a chub monster for the wedding bc I was going to stuff my face on the trip. He said, "you won't get fat in four days, babe... just super bloated and round!" lol hahahaha Damn my love for delicious foods! 

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Ok Vettie, I think we are following eachother msnwink.gif


I want to lose 10 pounds by March 14 and tone up and i KNOW it is doable.  No shame, I am 5'9 and 163 right now...


I actually started WW yesterday and I felt kind of out of place there, matter of fact I got a lot of nasty "why are you here?" kind of looks, so I did NOT feel very welcomed by the other members.  I plan to only do it for one month, along with alternating days of P90x and gym time.


MY PROBLEM IS SUGAR!!! I crave sweets big time.  Also, it is SO hard to get motivated to get up and go to the gym in the evenings after a long day at work! I am a maniac in the gym on weekends, but I have to do better during the week somehow.


ok, I should probably go now right? LOL


Any tips for my 2 month journey?

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Originally Posted by Diva View Post


Ok Vettie, I think we are following eachother msnwink.gif


I want to lose 10 pounds by March 14 and tone up and i KNOW it is doable.  No shame, I am 5'9 and 163 right now...


I actually started WW yesterday and I felt kind of out of place there, matter of fact I got a lot of nasty "why are you here?" kind of looks, so I did NOT feel very welcomed by the other members.  I plan to only do it for one month, along with alternating days of P90x and gym time.


MY PROBLEM IS SUGAR!!! I crave sweets big time.  Also, it is SO hard to get motivated to get up and go to the gym in the evenings after a long day at work! I am a maniac in the gym on weekends, but I have to do better during the week somehow.


ok, I should probably go now right? LOL


Any tips for my 2 month journey?


Okay, maybe you shouldn't eat the Rudy's bbq and creamed corn like I asked.  :( It's DEFINITELY doable! You already look great from what I can see in the pic. So now it's just a matter of us getting our love for food in check and sticking to the work out plans. :) 


LOL @ "why are you here?" looks. Have you tried working out in the morning instead of at night? I usually work out in the morning to have it done and over with. Plus, it kinda pumps me up for the rest of the day to have something productive under my belt before 9am. Yoga really helps me. I am barely getting into it, but I've been sore in muscles and places I didn't know existed! And everyone I know swear that it helps give you a nice, toned, svelte look. 


My other big thing is portion control. I won't lie to myself. I will cut back on my love for butter and deliciously heart-attack inducing foods, but I won't ban them from my diet. Everything in moderation, including moderation. Several (5-6) meals a day, healthy snacks, really cut back on any sodas. I just try to eat the unhealthy things earlier in the day as opposed to late at night, so I have the rest of the day to work it off. i used to eat like a linebacker, but I've trained myself to eat smaller meals. Wasn't easy... started using smaller plates and forks instead of huge dinner plates and dinner forks hahahaha 

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