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Weight Loss support for 2011 brides!!


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Hey ladies, congrats on all the hard work.  I'm an April 2011 bride myself.  I've done the whole working out/eating right thing for a while now (just not both at the same time---totally frustrating) BUT, recently I finally got it through my head that if I wanted to finally get bikini ready for the first time in my life I have to do both together.  AND, the most important thing I realized was that hours at the gym working out in the "fat burning zone" does virtually nothing.  I've been doing the Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred and even though it's only 25 minutes a day (it's every day BTW) it's INTENSE.  I'm only 20 days in and I can totally see a difference.  Of course, I'll have to continue working out and counting calories (thanks to the Livestrong app on my iPhone, it's pretty manageable) after it's over, but the whole HIGH intensity workout is what's finally gotten me over the hump.  Just thought I'd chime in with my two cents, for what it's worth.  Jillian kicks my butt!


Oh, and I'm really glad to see that no one is doing Atkins (low carb) to loose weight.  It totally slows your metabolism and if/when you go back to eating carbs the weight comes back with a vengeance and is even harder to get off.  Trust me, not worth it!


Keep up the hard work ladies, you'll be so glad you did when you walk down the aisle, I know I will ;)

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Originally Posted by fmichelle View Post


Hey ladies, congrats on all the hard work.  I'm an April 2011 bride myself.  I've done the whole working out/eating right thing for a while now (just not both at the same time---totally frustrating) BUT, recently I finally got it through my head that if I wanted to finally get bikini ready for the first time in my life I have to do both together.  AND, the most important thing I realized was that hours at the gym working out in the "fat burning zone" does virtually nothing.  I've been doing the Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred and even though it's only 25 minutes a day (it's every day BTW) it's INTENSE.  I'm only 20 days in and I can totally see a difference.  Of course, I'll have to continue working out and counting calories (thanks to the Livestrong app on my iPhone, it's pretty manageable) after it's over, but the whole HIGH intensity workout is what's finally gotten me over the hump.  Just thought I'd chime in with my two cents, for what it's worth.  Jillian kicks my butt!


Oh, and I'm really glad to see that no one is doing Atkins (low carb) to loose weight.  It totally slows your metabolism and if/when you go back to eating carbs the weight comes back with a vengeance and is even harder to get off.  Trust me, not worth it!


Keep up the hard work ladies, you'll be so glad you did when you walk down the aisle, I know I will " class="bbcode_smiley" height="1" src="http://files.bestdestinationwedding.com/images/smilies//wink.gif" title=";)" width="1" />


Thanks for the good adivice.  I just bought Jillans 30 day shred and looking forward to starting it.


And I agree about Atkins. I was on and off that diet  for about 2 years.  Yes the weight did come off and fast. Results I loved.  BUT it came back on just as fast :(.  So here I sit today needing to lose 40-50 lbs before my summer wedding.  I have started following a beach body diet I received with my turbo jam and it covers all the food groups, and its so nice to have fruit back in my diet.


Good luck everyone


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Ok so I'm def. not a 2011 bride, but I am hoping none of you will mind me jumping in for some motivation!


I lost 18lbs for my wedding this past May. Well from the 2 week vacation and very little diet/exercise from May-August I've put about 7-8lbs back on! DAMNIT! I can totally see it and I feel yucky! I hate it! I would like to lose 10lbs by Christmas of this year because we are going back to mexico. I would like to lose an additional 6lbs after that and maintain maintain maintain.....so I'm trying to lose 16lbs total.


I feel a little defeated. I've been diet/exercising similar to my pre-wedding routine and the scale went UP...it was literally overnight so I'm fairly certain its water weight etc, but its still frustrating. I am only 5'2 and seem to lose weight VERY slowly! UGGGHHHHH! I am hoping for lots of motivation and tips from you awesome ladies!!! XoXo

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What does everyone suggest for good eating tips? I'm HORRIBLE at the good eating part!!


My motivation? I added 2 inches to my waistline and 1 inch to my hips since ordering my wedding gown...it came it...and it doesn't fit!!!  :o(


I'm looking into the jillian michaels now!

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Lost 1 lb last week! I would be VERY happy with a 1lb loss per week.


I made it to the gym Monday-Thursday. Didn't make it at all Friday-Sunday, but I wear a pedometer and made sure to get atleast 10,000 steps in. I did pretty well with eating during the week. Didn't do HORRIBLE on the weekend, but I definitely try to give myself a break.


Exercise is key for me and being sure to atleast stick to reasonable eating during the week.


Lets hope for a -1lb loss this week!


Anyone have any great tips to share???

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