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Weight Loss support for 2011 brides!!


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Hi Brides!


I'm getting married in Rivieria  Maya April 2011!  So excited!!  I'd like to drop 20 pounds and tone up my arms. wink.gif

I was in really good shape last summer, but I have been slackin BIG TIME!!!  However, I'd like to tell ya, P90X worked for me last year and so did Jillian Michaels 30 day shred.  If you don't have a lot of time I'd do Jillian.  its awesome!  I started doing Jillian again on Monday and I'm so out of shape!  LOL.   My down fall is the weekends.  I just want to eat and booze smile27.gif


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kristamarie I think we're twins!! All I want to do when I get home from work on Fridays is drink 3 beers and go out for some gooey pasta. I'm an angel during the week though! I've heard a lot of good things about Jilliam Michaels 30-day Shred...might have to order that. I just hate working out sooo much. Maybe I need to hang up a fat picture of myself in a bikini to motivate me :)

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Hi ladies,  I have about 17lbs to lose of baby weight. I've finally started to workout again. Just need to do it more often.. I have until May 2011 which is only 9 months away! It's time to get serious, because I want to be able to dress shop soon.. I have Jillian Michaels 30 day shred, it's ok. But I get bored with it and it is too hard on my knees right now...

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Hiya girls, I have just started what feels like my20th diet of the year..... I have absolutely no willpower!


However, i´ll be going to get measured for my final dress fitting in a month or so , so i need to get these last 7 kgs / 16lbs off!


I´ve ordered the 30 day shred from amazon, and hopefully i will stick my diet this time for more than one week.... my biggest problem is beer (oh yeah, bread and chocolate don´t help either!). When i finish work i always have a couple of beers, then bang goes the will power and i stuff my face when i get home... not helped by the fact that OH can eat whatever he wants and stay as skinny as a racing snake.


My new leaf was turned over last night, and so far today i´m doing good, i know it´s only half a day but you´ve got to start somewhere right? Fingers crossed for tonight, when my boss says, 'would you like a beer jo?' i´ll say NO!!!!!


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OK Booty camp hurts at the time and for several days after as I have trouble walking up stairs, sitting on the toilet (why are they so low?) but I do have to admit that as sweaty and sore as I may be I have this energy after class and I feel great.  After 8 weeks of this I have to have some good results. I highly recommend.


I am also doing my best to follow the nutrition guideline which means no drinking ugh..., no sugar, white flour, processed foods, etc. Weekends are the hardest for me as well but I have to do this.



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Yeah, men are not fair!  They take a poop and lose 10 pounds!  It's ridic!


Any whooo, my issue isn't working out.  I love the gym.  I just cannot eat right!  Not my mention my FI is a strength and conditioning coach for athletes, so I even have him guiding me and I still mess up.  HOWEVER, there is a very thin line when he wants to tell me what to eat..hehehe.


It booze had no calories, and everything you ate while drinking had zero calories, I'd look like Jessica Biel. LOL. 


Now, it's friday...going on a boat trip tonight with a buffet on it.  WTF?!

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Originally Posted by kristamarie View Post


Yeah, men are not fair!  They take a poop and lose 10 pounds!  It's ridic!


Any whooo, my issue isn't working out.  I love the gym.  I just cannot eat right!  Not my mention my FI is a strength and conditioning coach for athletes, so I even have him guiding me and I still mess up.  HOWEVER, there is a very thin line when he wants to tell me what to eat..hehehe.


It booze had no calories, and everything you ate while drinking had zero calories, I'd look like Jessica Biel. LOL. 


Now, it's friday...going on a boat trip tonight with a buffet on it.  WTF?!



hahaha i feel your pain!  when i start a diet i´ll say to FI.... don´t let me eat any chocolate..... then a couple of days later he´ll come into the kitchen to find me stuffing my face and say 'stop it, you said you´re on a diet' and i go 'DON´T YOU DARE TELL ME WHAT I CAN AND CAN´T EAT!!!!!!'

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OMG Janapana the FI and I get into that ALL the time!  I am doing Insanity, which is JUST that ladies, and I wanted to have some carrot cake for dessert the other night.  So he is quick to say what about Insanity?  What about it dude?  I said wanted not that I would!  LEAVE ME ALONE!!  censored.gif


FYI, in case you haven't figured it out just yet, diet is 85% of your weight loss.  Trust me I am proof.  I am down 5.6 pounds in 2 weeks primarily because I have been paying attention to what I eat and because Shaun T from Insanity is a lunatic!


Good luck ladies and I will keep checking in.  Oh and boot or booty camp is no joke either.  If you have one in your area I recommend signing up ASAP!

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Grrrr.... I started weight watchers online yesterday. Because i´ve paid for it i will hopefully not let myself down this time. Day one went rather well, except for the glass of cava i had after i´d been on the cross trainer - but you need to put nutrients back in after you´ve exercised.(????)

I´ve realised another problem i have is finishing the kids food and/or eating it off their plates while they´re having it!  "One for you, one for me" style!

Oh dear will really have to work on that will power.

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