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Weight Loss support for 2011 brides!!


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Originally Posted by lsmith211 View Post if wearing a wedding dress and spending 10 days in a bathingsuit in front of friends and family doesn't motivate me, nothing will!


LOL! I can totally relate!


My wedding date is 11/05/11 and I'm hoping to loose 15-20 pounds + really tone up before then.

Over the last few months I haven't really been exercising and I am desperate to get back into my workout routine. I'm about to hang my bikini up on the wall with photos of my really skinny friends next to it for motivation!


Best of luck to all of you!

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I have been doing following the Skinny Bitch method (all vegan, no sugar, no white flour, no caffeine-- the book is great!) for two weeks now.  It is finally getting easier but this is what has saved me:

  1. Drinking tons of Good Earth decaffeinated tea (if I have my cup in my hand, I'm not as tempted to eat, plus I am staying hydrated) -- this has also replaced my Starbucks habit!
  2. Eating fruit for breakfast and a piece of fruit right before I work out. 


Just thought I'd share!  Anyone else have little tips that seem to be helping? 

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I bought Jillian Michael's book "Making the Cut" yesterday with the intention of following her plan for 30 days - it gives you every meal and snack for the 30 days plus workouts, but I was thinking I would just use the 30 day shred video as the workouts...  THe plan is suppose to help you lose those last 10-20 lbs in 30 days.....


Well, the book seems good, but all the meals take a ton of work...  I was expecting this, HOWEVER - all the meals that need to be cooked (i.e. almost everything you are suppose to eat for a month) aren't things that can be easily re-heated.  I think this plan would be great for someone that doesn't work or works from home, but not really realistic for me...  i'm at work at 7am and it takes me at least 45 minutes to get here...  There is no way I'm getting up earlier than 5:15 to cook a frittata!  Plus, I'm not sure how I'm suppose to whip up a big meal for lunch when my only option is a microwave....


Kind of disappointed, but I'll use the recipes for suppers and on weekends, so not a total loss....  

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Originally Posted by wilsonj2 View Post





Originally Posted by NEMMERZ View Post


Yes, I have incorporated weight training as well......


I know that your body burns more fat the more muscle stimulation you have :)


My FI is huge into the gym, always has been for 10 years, so now he is teaching me......i never had to before.....i could get whatever I wanted and always stayed real thin..........but then age 40 started approaching and low and behold the FAT is coming........I never thougth that day would come where my metabolism would slow down...........I guess I was lucky the first 40 years to be a PIG....LOL


Hard thing to change....thatswck.gif


I found a quick 5 pound weight loss strategy from Julian Michael's for loss of 5 pounds in water weight....Im gonna try starting monday.......I will post the receipe.....i wanna see if it works.......


Have you ever read the book "The Eat Clean Diet" by Tosca Reno?  It is built around increasing metabolism as you get older.  The strategies really work, and a lot of figure competitors use this as a guide.



Haven't read it but did hear about it and I put in a request for it at the library. should be getting it soon. Really? Have you tried it?

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Glad you're going to read it, Diamondgirl!  Yes, it definitely works.  I am doing it right now and have dropped 10 pounds in 2 weeks.  I was turned on to it by my friend who competes in figure competitions.  There is a cookbook to go along with it, but I don't like to spend a lot of time in the kitchen, so I don't make all the food.  I just stick to a quick "clean" diet...pack my little cooler every day for work.

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In the same boat as you with a November 2011 wedding. I have been eating better, but can't seem to get motivated to work out again!!!!


Originally Posted by sugarfox View Post

Originally Posted by lsmith211 View Post if wearing a wedding dress and spending 10 days in a bathingsuit in front of friends and family doesn't motivate me, nothing will!

LOL! I can totally relate!


My wedding date is 11/05/11 and I'm hoping to loose 15-20 pounds + really tone up before then.

Over the last few months I haven't really been exercising and I am desperate to get back into my workout routine. I'm about to hang my bikini up on the wall with photos of my really skinny friends next to it for motivation!


Best of luck to all of you!

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Originally Posted by wilsonj2 View Post


Glad you're going to read it, Diamondgirl!  Yes, it definitely works.  I am doing it right now and have dropped 10 pounds in 2 weeks.  I was turned on to it by my friend who competes in figure competitions.  There is a cookbook to go along with it, but I don't like to spend a lot of time in the kitchen, so I don't make all the food.  I just stick to a quick "clean" diet...pack my little cooler every day for work.

10 lbs in 2 WEEKS!! OMGosh i'm so excited!!! Can't wait to read it. Thank you for sharing :)


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I was browsing the site looking for ideas of a possible destination wedding (wish me luck!), and I happened to notice this forum.  I'm a personal trainer by profession, and I would be happy to answer any questions you might have as far as effective weight loss and fitness.  While I am based in Charlotte NC, and run a fitness facility.  I noticed that many of you have already set goals for yourselves, and this is great! Let me know if i can help!

Click here for my Blog and contact info!

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