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Weight Loss support for 2011 brides!!


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Brandy, did you have your meeting tonight?  I did the killer class and I think it was even harder than I remembered.  But, I may try and keep it in my weekly routine.  It's gotta be burning some cals if it's that hard, right?  Then, I came home and ate salad and broccoli.  One good night, let's see if I can keep it up.  I even avoided the nightly wine.  That's gonna be a toughy.  :) 



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Originally Posted by Brandy View Post


...and I just realized we leave in 12 weeks!! I need to loose like 2.5 pounds a week at least.


Hey Brandy, I don't know if you have a smartphone, but there's a great app on the iPhone called live strong that you put in your weight and how many pounds you'd like to lose per week and it gives you the amount of calories you're supposed to eat and helps you keep track of them during the day and then when you put in your exercise it compensates for that as well.


I finally worked out tonight! Some moves were a little difficult as the ankle is still healing, but I couldn't procrastinate any more, April is approaching fast and that bikini is still just as intimidating (plus I need to get my dress altered and I keep holding off on that to make sure it's going to be the right size--ie, the size I want to be) 


As far as hard candies go, I've started eating these ginger candies by the ginger people.  They're really good and they also help with digestion and are pretty low in calories.  Good luck everyone, time to kick it in to high gear, no more excuses!

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Thanks Michelle I'll have to check that out, I have an ipod touch I assume I can get the app on there?


Tisha, no my mom rescheduled the meeting for monday bc apparently her friend is going to be doing it as well and she sick so its set up for monday now!! I was there last night, left around 530, you were probably in that room not sure what time the class starts. Just be proud you completed the class, thats great and Im sure your burning a ton of calories in that kind of class no doubt!  Yeah nightly wine is a toughy, but I think even if you cut it back to one glass like every other night would help too, slowly ween yourself off of it lol!

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Originally Posted by TLGnhci View Post


Does anyone know if there's a thread for sharing healthy recipes/tips?  I think that one might be a good one to start if there's not one out there.  I need all the help I can get when it comes to dieting and eating well. 

Try this,  I love the recipes. www.diet.com   good luck!!rolleyes.gif


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