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My First Vent Thread - The Knot

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My first vent thread ... AFTER the wedding, and nothing really wedding related. I guess I am doing alright!


I am just cranky right now. So I posted a little note about Leigh's contest on the DW board on The Knot. One person said something about how that was a great opportunity, but that was about it.


I also decided to post something on the local NY boards - and when I went there, there were a few of them (Upstate, NY City, etc.) so I posted on each - I don't know NY or where these places are, or even where Leigh will be! Totally thought I was being friendly and helpful by sharing this contest - I even said in these posts how I had just been married and how great Leigh was, and I'd share my slideshow.


Well, on 2 of the 4 NY boards someone responded all bitchy like - one said "hello vendor" and another said "This is upstate NY which means AT LEAST a two hour drive each way to get to NYC. If your going to spam the boards don't forget NJ, CT and the PA boards " or something similar.


Wow. Excuse me for trying to share something. I was really floored by that for some reason.


My response to that 2nd one was "wow - someone said something about me being a vendor an another NY board too. listen, i am sorry - i thought i was being nice letting people know about this contest. i was just married, and Leigh was my photog (want to see my slideshow?). i don't know NY, never been there - i don't know where she's going to be or where "upstate" NY is. do you know where "uptown" is in Minneapolis? i apologize for trying to share something."


anyway - it just made me realize how nice everyone is here. i never got "hooked" on The Knot like i did here, and now i see why. i know there are nice knotties, a lot of you being some of them, but wow are there some snottie knotties (to use a quote i recently heard, and found rather appropriate). so ...





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I agree, I am sorry you tried to help girls and this is the "thanks" you get..I belong to a Canadian forum and its the opposite of this one, girls are fighting, constantly trying to outdo each other and to me, a forum shouldn't be like that..its a place to all come together to share ideas to make each of our weddings unique..They are even selling wedding stuff at a higher price than what they paid to make money off of each other and that is not fair~


Although I have received a ton of information from The Knot, I realize "most" of the girls there are definately not like this forum or its great atmosphere...

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I always feel that way on forums. I was scared to post here the first time & then shocked when I didn't get rude comments. I started posting more & more & then realized no one was going to attack me. I think that's why I'm hooked- the forum is so friendly.


I read another forum pretty often. I'm too scared to ever post because it seems like some people are on the forum just to insult other people's post. If you ever dare post something that someone else had already posted you get a bunch of "repost" messages.

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hug..hug...i guess im spoiled i have never been on a forum before..so i dont know what the others are like i did try to go on the dreams foprum but it was dead no one was there...but i love this one...hugs...sorry ann you where being very nice.....there loss on a great photog......

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Thanks girls! I know there are definitely nice girls on there, I think most of us are probably members. I've posted on TK and have got things from that forum too. But wow - that just caught me off guard. I knew it might come off as spam or a vendor - which is why I was sure to mention I just got married, and would share my pics ... and you can look at all of my posts! They were so quick to attack me. Oh well - I hope I don't get Leigh in trouble or something!

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ha ha Shelley, too funny.. :-)


Ann, I totally agree, their are some nice girls on the knot but to be honest most of them I didn't like and for that reason I was hardly on there (only when I was searching for info on something or telling people about this forum)


BUT on the flip side of the coin, if you don't post often on the knot, then maybe they did think you were a vendor spamming about your company. But I think the response they gave you was total crap, we welcome vendors here and because of that I think this forum is 1000 times better then the knot.


Oh and I'd like to add one more thing... OMG I can't believe this is your first vent.. Gosh I don't even remember what my first one was.. lol

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Originally Posted by TammyB View Post
Oh and I'd like to add one more thing... OMG I can't believe this is your first vent.. Gosh I don't even remember what my first one was.. lol
I know - I was pretty lucky throughout the whole process - no family drama, no vendor drama, etc. But I definitely feel for all you ladies that did (or do) have to vent a lot.

My guess ... your first vent was Marty related!
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