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going baby crazy and not even pregnant or close to being


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Oh, and after my maternity leave was up I stayed home and now watch other kids. We definitely have less money than if I'd gone back to work but I love that I get to be home with her. Also my FI works rotating shifts, so if she was in daycare he wouldn't see her for 2 weeks every month, so that was a big part of my decision to stay home.


But being around other kids isn't for everyone, some days they drive me nuts and I've gotten into the habit of only wearing cheap tshirts from walmart because barely a day goes by that a crying kid doesnt wipe their nose on me...

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I'm having the baby fever big time right now. If it wasn't for our destination wedding and Disneymoon planned for 2011, I would start tryingr right now! I watched about 5 minutes of "Bring baby home" on TLC today and was already tearing up at the thought of me being in the woman's place, having just given birth with my DH going to announce it to our families in the waiting room.


I'm a little upset though. My fiance just asked that it would be just the two of us in the delivery room, which is exactly what I want too. His ex had her mom in the delivery room with them when they had their daughter, but I don't want her there, I prefer she just be waiting in the waiting room. But then when I told her that, if I happen to go into labor while his daughter is there, I don't want her in the room either, he got a little upset. She's gonna be old enough (in high school by then) to wait alone in the waiting room until one of our parents arrive, and I think it's perfectly normal to not want a child that's not even mine in the delivery room while I'm going through a very personal time. I don't want her to see me in such a position, and I don't want her taking her dad's attention when I will need him the most. Is that bad of me to think that way?

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Maybe I should try and watch that show. I need my baby fever back. The closer we are to being able to try, the more I get freaked out. I haven’t had my baby fever for at least 6 months. I even went to a baby shower yesterday for my cousin and that didn’t work. I fear that I am getting to the point that I might push off us having a baby, but I really don’t want too.


I am with you RonNMel. I don’t want anyone in the room other then my FI and the doctors. You are so exposed and vulnerable at that time, I don’t need an audience.  My cousin had her sister, FI, and mother in the room. I just think that every woman is different and your FI and family needs to respect that.

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I think it's normal to freak out, Hat0112. Yesterday I read something saying one in 5 women will get a miscarriage, and that scared the hell out of me. And even without that, just a normal pregnancy and giving birth are HUGE change in someone's life. It's very scary, even when deep down this is what you want and have been dreaming for  for a while.


As for my little issue with my fiance, well, turns out it was just all a big misunderstanding. He thought I was asking his daughter to be out of the room from the moment we set foot in the hospital, even though I might not be delivering for many hours, which concerned him because that would me she might be alone for a very long time. What I really meant was that I didn't want her there for the actual delivery part, when I'm going into labor. So it's all good now. :)

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Yeah, there is just so much to worry about when thinking about having a baby. I don’t think I ever really thought about it till recently.


That’s great everything worked out with you and your FI. People can be in the room while I am waiting (not at the time my doctor is checking me out) but when it is time for the big moment they all got to go.  

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All I have to say to you ladies is don't set a time for trying.  Unfortunately we have been trying for almost 2.5 years and I am having severe fertility issues.  FI's tests came back normal.


I say go for it.  Motherhood is a gift!!  Trust me I get jealous when another friend says they are prego but it's just something that I gotta get through until I can become pregnant.  I still think some days that I will never be able to carry a baby on my own but I'm keeping my chin up. 


I send baby dust to all of you TTC out there!! and wish all of you the best of luck on your journey when you start trying!!


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I'm sorry about what you are going through Valentine_Baby. Though I can't even begin to understand what you are feeling, I can imagine a little as I have a good friend in the exact same position as you. Her last chance is IVF. But as much as I know things could go wrong if we wait, I can't bring myself to start trying now. I would end up being pregant, and maybe even close to delivering, during my destination wedding. It would mean that I might have to choose between my wedding and my pregnancy, and it's not a decision I want to make. Plus, if I were to choose the baby, I would be letting 20 other people down who have already booked, and I can't do that to them either. Hopefully things will work out when the time is right.


Good luck to you!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

You can't start trying until you are ready and prepared to get pregnant.  Yes, it can take a very long time and you deal with it as it comes, but it could also happen on the very first try and you have to be prepared for that.


It's been nearly two months since my miscarriage and we are going to start trying again next cycle... getting excited but getting nervous!  Someone said something on the previous page about enjoying your bodies freedom... while I was only pregnant for 2 months, I still couldn't agree with her more. 


I am so sad though, because the thrill of a positive pregnancy test has been taking away from me.  Instead I'll just be so nervous hoping it sticks!  Only time will tell............  I just pray I don't have to experience another MC.


Baby dust to everyone! and don't stop believing Valentine_Baby.  We just have to stay positive.  A good friend of mine just got pg after 1.5 yrs of trying.  Have you had a Hysterosalpingogram?  I know many people who have suffered from difficulties conceiving and once they had this procedure done, they got pregnant almost immediately!

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yes I have had that test done . . .you name it I have had it done.  I don't want to do IUI because I don't need to go through all that stress again.


I think my problem is I have just recently been diagnosed with anxiety and panic attacks.  I'm sure it is playing a huge toll on my body.  My work is very stressful, I am a hypochondriac and i'm trying to plan a wedding . . .just trying to stay positive!

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Valentine_Baby I am sorry for what you are going through.


I have talked to a few doctor and a lot of pregnant woman (it seems like almost every woman I know is pregnant or just had a baby) and they all said that stress plays/ed a major roll in getting pregnant. A woman I work with was trying for 2 years and is now 3 months pregnant. Her job is very stressful but she found a way to relax and it finally happened.


We want to try right after the wedding, but I won't go off the pill till then. I don't want to risk being pregnant for the wedding.

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