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Can I ask guests to pay tranportation fee?

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Hi everyone!


I am getting married in Las Caletas in May. I just found out not too long ago that it costs $12 pp to get from the hotel to the marina to get on the boat that takes us all out to the beach where our wedding is held. We are nearing over 30 people which is costing us $360 (maybe more if there are more people booking)


My question is. Would it be rude to have our guests pay the $12 fee. I don't want to be rude. But that is a lot of money to add on top of all of the other costs of the wedding. I am by no means down playing the money that everyone is already pay to get there. I am very grateful that people are even going. But I thought that possibly, the $12 wouldnt be much additional cost to everyone, but it would make quite a difference to our budget.


Any advice would be nice.



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Hey honestly I wouldn't do it. I think it is a little tacky to make them pay to get to the marina to go to your wedding. I would just try cutting some costs to get that extra $360 - in the grand scheme of things it really isn't too much to save you know?

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definately no...it would be rude hon bc you chose to have your wedding there and even though its only 12 to each person, its the fact that they have to pay for something that is a part of the wedding its self. it would be like you asking people to pay for dinner at your wedding or something like that. i think youre gonna have to come up with the $400 somehow, imo.

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I also agree...I think it would be rude and I would not want to pay this if I were attending your wedding after I already paid to get down there. $360 really isn't that much money to make your guest more comfortable...maybe you could cut from somewhere else if you're on a tight budget?

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Yeah Kat, IDK about that. Remember they are forking out $$ already to be there with you guys and celebrate. Maybe do a cut here and there on other things to save up for the transportation fee. Also try to see if you can work it out on a group discount or something like that to work the price down pp..

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Please don't. Asking your guests to pay $12 for transportation after they've spent many hundreds (or thousands?) of dollars to attend your wedding would appear very petty. $360 really isn't much in the grand scheme of a wedding budget and you are the host for the evening. If the per plate cost for dinner were just $12 more you'd pay it, right?

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