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I found these journals and matching pens at Michael's a few months ago and since my theme is Damask I couldn't walk away (they were in the dollar section). They only had 12 of each so I totally wiped them out blush2.gif. I then found the little black and white ones at Old Navy after xmas also for a dollar (SCORE!). But I'm not sure what I will be using them for? Originally, I thought I would include in the OOT bags but now I'm not too sure since they really don't have a purpose. Any thoughts on what I can use them for?

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Originally Posted by whitechocolate View Post
Place them on tables at your reception and have guests write notes to you, give advice, tell stories, draw pics, etc., etc.?? They ARE super cute!
Ashley thank you that is a good idea. BTW - Captiva island is one of my favorite places, we go there every summer for a week.
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I like Ashley's idea of placing them on tables. Also if you placing the camera's at each table maybe some creative way by adding a basket w/flowers as a centerpiece. I can SEE my idea... I may not be explaining myself. :-)


Another option would be to place them in the OOT bags for your wedding party; officiant groomsmen, bridesmaids and also including parents etc.

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Originally Posted by Chelymo View Post
Ashley thank you that is a good idea. BTW - Captiva island is one of my favorite places, we go there every summer for a week.
I'm heading there in a couple weeks for the wedding of a family friend! Do you have any suggestions of things I definitely should not miss, like restaurants or other places? Any advice you have would be great to hear!
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oooh i like the idea of asking your guests to keep a vacation journal of their experience at your destination wedding.


you might not get them back from most guests...so you may want to pick and choose a few people who you know would write one up.


be prepared for some funny stuff...


i could only imagine what we would of wrote a the DW we went to last spring! haha

would of been a lot of 'drunk' entries...haha

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