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thank you for posting! I was hoping to do something like that but wasn't sure about whether it was worth the effort...turns out it is! Good to know about packing them in carry on too. Hawaii should have a wal mart so finger crossed I can find enough vase's there and just worry about getting them back to Aus.

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One big question is.... YOU GOT THEM DOWN THERE OKAY...... HOW DO YOU GET THEM HOME?!??!?!?! OR.... do you leave them there???


Or do you bring them home and sell them to brides on this website or on Ebay???


I'm OKAY with getting them down... but getting the home is the problem... who wants to be packing this up the day after their wedding???? ummmm I would.. but my FI would KILL ME.. hahahah... litterally.. he would... :)


ANYONE comlete this experience with bringing them home???



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I'm curious...how did it go?!? Were you able to get the vases down with little or no damage? Did the glass in your carry-on cause any problems with security? I really like this idea, but am concerned about traveling with them.


BTW, I agree with everyone else they are beautiful. You did a great job! 


Can't wait to hear the update!

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