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What price is acceptable?

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I struggled with trip pricing the most during our initial planning. I had thought $1200 max, but I quickly found out that wasn't doable (I can only speak on Cdn prices during April) for the locations we were looking for and quality of hotel.

We settled on $1360 for a beautiful 5 star resort in La Romana, Dominican. I think that's a great deal.


Guests are used to paying last minute prices, so it might come as a shocker to them, but it's your wedding and you can't book last min.

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I agree it depends on the hotel, airfare and what they want to do. It might save you money if you use a travel agent and use an AI resort. Our guests are looking at 2500 or so per couple for hotel stay and airfare. We aren't doing an AI so they will also be responsible for food and whatever else they want to do, aside from what my FI and I are planning for a group. (welcome dinner, whale watch and reception) So I would say it is up to your guests to decide how much they are willing to spend.

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I am also getting married in Cuba and am trying very hard to keep the prices around or under $1200 per person. A couple people have already mentioned that its so much cheaper to go last minute, but it's not something you can compare! How many people are you expecting in your group? Maybe you could have a little talk with them and see what everyone feels comfortable paying?

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I think it really depends on your family/friends finances and interest in your wedding. Some family might be willing to save 1-2 years to pay their trip, others will only spend their normal vacation budget. I really don't know anyone around me that would spend that much for an AI trip.


Personally, I wouldn't pay 1680$ for a 1 week vacation for someone else's wedding. We are getting married in Jamaica, paying just a little more than that, and we think that's a lot for a week at the beach! We usually pay around 1200$ for our AI 4*+ trips, unless we find a good last minute deal. 3400$ is a lot of money, and for that amount I can have a more exciting trip to me. However, I am probably not a very good reference, since I probably wouldn't attend any destination wedding, unless the time frame & location would suit me. Call me selfish, but if I'm spending over 2000$, it better be for something I desire. Vacation & travel is very important to me, it's my escape from the daily grind and my quite stressful job, and the 2 trips I take per year better be good.

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I think it really depends on your guests. You would know best what price range would fit the guests you are inviting.


A lot of times, it's easy to get caught up in the "Well, it's my wedding!" vibe, but when asking people to travel, it seems really appropriate to keep that in mind. While you and your fiance may see this as a time to splurge, others probably will treat it as a regular vacation. So, I would save any elaborate expenses for a honeymoon period after your wedding, and try your best to accommodate your friends and family's needs.


I think I read somewhere to never guesstimate under $1,000 per person. Not sure if that helps at all.

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I really struggled with this too. I had wanted to keep it to around $1200/person but I don't think this is going to be possible. I don't have my pricing yet, but it looks like our guests will be paying about $1500/person. I've told people that as my estimate (I'll change resorts if it's more than that!) and no one seems overly surprised and they all agree that the max they should have to pay. I want to go for a week somewhere else after the wedding so I really don't want to pay more than that too! I think when it comes to a destination wedding, most people know that it's not going to be a cheap vacation. It's not like a last minute thing that you book and aren't picky on where you go...this is something that is well planned out and the resort picked for certain reasons. I'm sure as long as you keep the price reasonable, most of your guests will come!

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