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cake/MIL issue


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I could have put this under a few categories, but I decided on this one because it really is about the MIL (yes, I know, again! lol)


Here's the issue:


DH's mom made my wedding shower cake. She didn't ask what I wanted and it was just "ok". The filing was lemon, which I don't love, the cake was dry and the icing SUPER sweet! I'm looking at having something a little bit more, ummm, professional looking and tasting for my AHR. Problem is, she is insisting on making our cake for the AHR. I don't know what to say to her anymore without actually coming out and saying "your cake sucks and I don't want you to make it!" She just won't get the hint!! censored.gif


I sound like I'm a horrible person, but I just really want to have a nice cake. Any suggestions/ideas about how to handle this issue?

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Originally Posted by ~Nicole~ View Post
OMG Lisa you're on a roll lately lol. What if you tell her that you have something very specific in mind and you want her only job to be showing up and enjoying herself? Or say that you've already purchased one??
OMG Nicole I KNOW!!!!!!!! lol She already knows we don't have a cake. I told her that we may or may not get one, that the reception location might do one for us, etc...She just doesn't get it! I don't want to be an ass about it, but man, give up already. I know if it was me, I would have taken the hint already....
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Maybe you could ask her to do a grooms cake and then you can get the cake you want but she still gets to do something? Just tell her that you didn't get the perfect cake you wanted at the DW and this is something YOU really have your heart set on...you're the bride, not her so I think you shouldn't sacrifice what you want because she wants to bake.

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Is she some sort of "professional" or something? Obviously not that professional if her cake tastes like ass, but you KWIM. How big is your AHR? Is it big enough that you could just say "no, it's a big job and we're going to buy one, but thanks." If that doesn't work then maybe resort to "listen here control freak, your cake sucks and I don't want to put my family and friends through the misery of eating it". LOL!! OK clearly not the thing to say, but maybe I made you smile?

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Originally Posted by NaM View Post
Maybe you could ask her to do a grooms cake and then you can get the cake you want but she still gets to do something? Just tell her that you didn't get the perfect cake you wanted at the DW and this is something YOU really have your heart set on...you're the bride, not her so I think you shouldn't sacrifice what you want because she wants to bake.
that's such a good idea about the groom's cake!!! i didn't even think about that!
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Originally Posted by ~Nicole~ View Post
Is she some sort of "professional" or something? Obviously not that professional if her cake tastes like ass, but you KWIM. How big is your AHR? Is it big enough that you could just say "no, it's a big job and we're going to buy one, but thanks." If that doesn't work then maybe resort to "listen here control freak, your cake sucks and I don't want to put my family and friends through the misery of eating it". LOL!! OK clearly not the thing to say, but maybe I made you smile?
She says she used to make cakes years ago but I dunno, they aren't that professional looking to me! she just made one for her other son's engagement party and it was just blah!

I tried to pull the "well we're going to have a lot of people there" thing, but she said that was no problem

If only I could just say that...if only....lol
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Originally Posted by ~Nicole~ View Post
Is she some sort of "professional" or something? Obviously not that professional if her cake tastes like ass, but you KWIM. How big is your AHR? Is it big enough that you could just say "no, it's a big job and we're going to buy one, but thanks." If that doesn't work then maybe resort to "listen here control freak, your cake sucks and I don't want to put my family and friends through the misery of eating it". LOL!! OK clearly not the thing to say, but maybe I made you smile?
OMG Nicole! I actually kinda like this though wink.gif
Originally Posted by AlexsBride View Post
This is your DH's mom? I would leave it up to him to tell her! It's your wedding and you deserve to have the cake that you and your DH want and love.
No, but really. Why doesn't DH try to tell her? If she can't get the clue from you, he should be able to talk to HIS mom.
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