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Hi ladies,

I hope it is ok to post this thread in this forum as it pertains to photos but also a bit of beauty. I hope to receive some feedback from newlyweds or other brides to be.


I am quite fair. Over the last couple vacations, I have decided to save my skin (facial) from the harmful rays of the sun. You see, my melasma Melasma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

gets worse. Fortunately, I don't have a severe case of it but it basically makes me look like I have a dirty face when I tan my face. I have been diligent with using some whitening serum for it on a nightly basis for the last year and a bit and it definitely has improved it. My question here now is my FI is a die hard tanner. Our wedding is 3 days after we arrive in Mexico. I really don't want him to look pretty tanned and I look pasty white. He really thinks I look so much better with a tan and i agree. I have used MAC tanner on my face and chest last year and it looked really good. I have done the spray tans in the past but am concerned that the "tan" will mark up my dress.


Any thoughts or ideas on how I can get a sun kissed glow without marking up my dress.



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WOW! I have the same exact concern and the same exact problem! I don't use creams for fear that the other sink that isn't discolored will be lightened as well. I was actually considering getting microdermabrasian and hoping that will work - however I do love to be tan and thin that a light sunkissed (not Paris Hilton orange) looks great.


I have a friend who just started a spray tanning business where she comes to your home and it lasts 7-10 days. I was considering that, but was worried how it may affect my dress.


Can't wait to hear what people have to say!

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I have done spray tanning at a company called Beach Bum, it is a chemical that increases the melatonin inside your skin so after the chemical process happens it should not rub off. When you first get it it does have a surface color that you shower off about six hours later, that could rub off onto clothing. I went to the tanning salon in the evening, wore dark loose fitting clothing, got sprayed down by the technician, then you get air dried by a blower, then went on my way. I just hung out and tried not to sweat and went to bed and washed off the tanner in the morning and had a great looking tan that lasted about a week. You can pick what color you want, it was about $40 bucks, and if it's your first time at this company you can two for the price of one.

I would not put on self tanner then wear your wedding dress, you have to let the chemical work then wash off the tanner, then wear your dress. And, tell your fiance that tanning beds are dangerous, he should try the spray tanning if could save his life.

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Originally Posted by blumenthale View Post
I have done spray tanning at a company called Beach Bum, it is a chemical that increases the melatonin inside your skin so after the chemical process happens it should not rub off. When you first get it it does have a surface color that you shower off about six hours later, that could rub off onto clothing. I went to the tanning salon in the evening, wore dark loose fitting clothing, got sprayed down by the technician, then you get air dried by a blower, then went on my way. I just hung out and tried not to sweat and went to bed and washed off the tanner in the morning and had a great looking tan that lasted about a week. You can pick what color you want, it was about $40 bucks, and if it's your first time at this company you can two for the price of one.
I would not put on self tanner then wear your wedding dress, you have to let the chemical work then wash off the tanner, then wear your dress. And, tell your fiance that tanning beds are dangerous, he should try the spray tanning if could save his life.
Hmmm, that is interesting! I wonder if we have something like that in Canada..

I am a big lover of the spray tan (haha, just check out my avatar for proof, it was NYE) but find it does wear off on light clothes sometimes and comes off even faster when you're in the water/pool, so for me, my wedding is 5 days after we arrive, there's no way any of it would even be left!
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I used to work at a tanning salon and we had mystic tan there...the booths that spray you.

And while most people got a great result for say a night out or a special event...i wouldn't recommend this at all for a DW. Salt water and chlorine will make the tan rub off and fade quickly...usually unevenly. It'll start to look streaky and being away from home you really can't fix it. Also, if you burn and begin to peel it'll leave splotchy white marks in the places you peeled. Lastly, it was HOT on my wedding day...I'm not even gonna lie I was hard core sweating...and even after the spray tan dries if you sweat enough it WILL come off on your clothes.

Unless there is some new technology that they've come up with in the last couple years, I don't know if spray tan is the way to go. Maybe you could get your make up airburshed on or find a few bronzers that give you a nice look??


Good luck!!

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thanks for the suggestions. I think i am gonna end up doing a bronzing powder. I like the MAC one I currently have and used last time we were down there. I have done the mystic tan in the past and really liked it but agree, after workign out, I could see my sweat stains being colored on my work out clothes. It came out fine but i don't want it on my dress!

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To be honest..I enjoy tanning beds. I go about a month before a holiday and get an unlimited package and then go about 2-3 times a week. Seriously living in canada we don't spend as much time outside recieving our vitamen D than the ladies in warmeer parts of the world. Most people living in Alaska have to go into Tanning beds just to get their Vitamen D intake becuase it helps ward off depression, heart disease and osteoporosis. Some people may fear that exposure to tanning beds would increase risk of skin cancers. But actually a deficiency of vitamin D could be more serious than most cases of skin cancers. Since I definatly am not getting enough Vitamen D anyways this winter I will be going to the tanning bed before my wedding.

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Originally Posted by flipflop.tee View Post
To be honest..I enjoy tanning beds. I go about a month before a holiday and get an unlimited package and then go about 2-3 times a week. Seriously living in canada we don't spend as much time outside recieving our vitamen D than the ladies in warmeer parts of the world. Most people living in Alaska have to go into Tanning beds just to get their Vitamen D intake becuase it helps ward off depression, heart disease and osteoporosis. Some people may fear that exposure to tanning beds would increase risk of skin cancers. But actually a deficiency of vitamin D could be more serious than most cases of skin cancers. Since I definatly am not getting enough Vitamen D anyways this winter I will be going to the tanning bed before my wedding.
I'm going to (gently) disagree with you on this one. I live in the NWT and I'm actually north of the Arctic circle and I don't use a tanning salon for health reasons and very few people in this town use tanning beds. I don't think you'd find many doctors that recomend that, either. Even up here people can get the normal amount of vitamin D by walking around outside in a normal way. It doesn't take a lot of sunlight. For the 30 or so days when we're without the sun, I take a vitamin D suplement and drink extra (fortified) milk but really unless you're deficient already you're fine even without this. If you like tanning power to you, but if you think it's healthy you're really mistaken. No offence, and I have to add in the interest of fairness that my pasty self is really jealous of the tan you're sporting in your pic.
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