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Destination Wedding Invitation Acceptance Percentage

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Hello all! I am currently in the beginning stages of planning my wedding in PV and I am trying to compile my guest list. Does anyone know what the average acceptance rate is for destination weddings? Thanks for your help!

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When we were sending out our invitations we had two lists, one of people who we KNEW would come and one that was just like an announcement list. Well the interesting thing is there have been some people who we knew would come but it turns out they cant (b/c pregnancies, job stuff, financial, etc) and some people who knew wouldn't come but it turns out they are coming! It helped us to have two mailings, as some people sent in No's or called to tell us no we were able to mail out additional invitations (obviously you cant do this to people in the same social circle). If my fiance's relatives turned in a no then I would then send an invitation to one of my cousins. There is no set formula for destination weddings so we had to wing it...I hope this helps...

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We had about 50% of invited guests attend the wedding. It's about what we expected. DW's are so interesting because people will always surprise you! Some people that you didn't think would come will say yes and other you thought would be there may not make it. If I have one regret, it would be not inviting more people that I thought wouldn't make it- who knows they may have come, and I now fee bad for not sending them an invite.

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Ditto on the 50%. When we sent out our invites, we basically knew who would come and who wouldn't. Some of the invites were really just courtesy invites and served more as announcements than anything else. We invited about 75 people and had about 40 at the wedding.

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