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I am working on the wording of my invites. It's a little complicated since my parents are divorced and my FI's mother and "REAL" father(many do not know) never married AND his Mom is a widow. I would have loved to keep everyone off of the invites to avoid complications, but my FI's Mom wants here name on the invite. So...any ideas? Also...since his mother is a widow...is she a Mrs. or a Ms. or no salutation at all?


I was thinking of saying the following:


Danielle _____ & John _______


Together with their parents


Jane Smith & David Smith

Mrs. Lucy Johnson & John Williams


I don't know....not sure if I like this....any suggestions?

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I just left mine as "together with our parents". Both my parents are divorced and remarried and I wasn't about to put 6 names on my invites!


Can you maybe compromise with your FI's mom and tell her you'll acknowledge her in another way? Perhaps a toast at the wedding or something along those lines?

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Gosh I'm so glad my MIL is super easy going. I never even thought to put our parents names on the invite. I'm in the same boat, with divorced parents and my step dad would feel left out if I didn't put his name on there...but he's not my dad ya know? So we aren't putting any parents names on it. Good luck though. i think your wording sounds good though.

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Originally Posted by bahiabride2010 View Post
We did together with our parents as well...here's a picture of how they turned out! Much to complicated to start listing multiple couples as my FI's parents are divorced and have both found other life partners. Make sure to post pictures once you make a decision!
Click the image to open in full size.
Oooh...your invites are gorgeous!!! This is the wording that I wanted to use...but...FMIL will not go for it. It seems that there was a mini-incident when her other son got married last year and my future SIL only included her parents on the invite!! I think I'm going to use the wording I stated above...can't find much else.

Also...thank you ladies!!
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