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Does anyone else feel awkward about having a bridal shower?

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I felt the same way about having a showering, especially registering! It just seems like we're asking so much already...like many others, my mom, MOH and FMIL insisted. It is hopefully not going to be a three-ring circus, just something small at someone's house, with no dreaded games!

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Originally Posted by chevy14 View Post
I felt the same way about having a showering, especially registering! It just seems like we're asking so much already...like many others, my mom, MOH and FMIL insisted. It is hopefully not going to be a three-ring circus, just something small at someone's house, with no dreaded games!

haha I love the games! I'm such a dork that way, but when my friend threw a baby shower for another friend, there were no games and I was bummed. blush2.gif

I told my BMs to do really simple ones though, no toilet paper gowns!
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I just told my MOH to not organize a bridal shower for me because I didn't want her and the bridal party to incur $$ and plus my aunt & her daughter (one of my bridesmaids) are throwing me a family bridal shower so i feel that is enough. i told my MOH to concentrate on the bachelorette party instead.

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I never wanted a shower, even if i was having an at home wedding...but once i planned to go away, i wanted a shower MINUS the gifts...well that didn't happen! i really felt uncomfortable opening the gifts, especially from people who were attending the wedding...but like someone else said, we all attend showers and weddings and buy gifts galore, so enjoy it and take it all in.

I also didn't want to register....but the most common question i guess is, where are we registered! so annoying, i keep telling people we don't want gifts, but people insist on buying and people who aren't coming, family mainly, want to buy gifts, so this weekend we are going to register...3 weeks before the wedding i'm giving in! hahaha

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I asked my MOH not to throw the shower. I felt like everyone is already paying money to travel for the wedding so I would feel funny having a shower with gifts...instead she is doing a potluck and asking people to bring a Costa Rican dish to pass and using this as more of a chance for people to get acquainted with one another and the food of the country before the trip and also to hand out the OOT bags so that we don't have to lug all of that stuff with us!


I think you should do what feels right to YOU :)

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okay so i WANTED a shower. i have been waiting my whole life to get married and have that dream wedding and along with that is the wedding festivites. noone gave me an engagement party or any eng gifts or anything like that. and i know lots of people do that as well. i had a bach party in vegas with 4 close friends. that was tons of fun, but i also wanted to celebrate with family. this also gives people who are not going to the DW a chance to celebrate with me some how. i feel like if these people truly care for me then they would want to share in my joy, as i would for them. and a bridal shower gift doesnt have to be OD expensive either. i mean its a wedding for gods sake, just go and have fun and celebrate with the bride becaue u want to, and if whoever doesnt go, then its their loss. but i bet they wont be complaining when they are served free food and drinks lol and my mom/moh(sister) is so happy to plan it and throw it. yes she has to spend money in it, but she is happy to do it. i am her 1st daughter (eldest of 2 girls) and shes never experienced this before so she is excited about everything and so is my family and friends.

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I didn't want one, and I'm going to have two! My fiance's family threw one for me in San Antonio and my mom is throwing a big one here. They insist... and would probably feel bad if you did not allow them to do it. I totally agree with you. Plus my mother and father HAD to book a frickin post reception here in Chicago which is even more annoying. As Jazzy Jeff would say "Parents just don't understand"

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