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Frustrated!!! Where to find mugs in Canada!!!

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Heads up on promo company - on another thread one of the girls ordered her mugs and after two weeks without a word tried contacting them. took several days and when she finally got a hold of someone he told her the ones she ordered we discontinued and he would email her some other ones to look at right away. Several days later the email came, but the ones he emailed were way more expensive, so she cancelled the whole thing and ordered from a different company.


I'm totally giving up on promopays.ca. I called one last time today and a guy answered and kinda sounded like I was bothering him. He said he would get to my email questions (which I sent in 5 days ago!!!) after he was finished what he was doing. I never hear back. This company is dead to me  Thanks for the heads up. The reason why I kept trying to order from them was because they are only 20 minutes from my house and I could save on shipping. I don't think it's worth the aggravation.

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Echo - that is great your friend can take delivery for you....even paying for her to ship them to you will be a savings this way! They sent me the proof I requested...I want to say two days after I placed the order.....it was not long at all. The delivery date they gave me was Feb 2nd and then I expected a delay because of the proof, but it all still showed up early. I think the warning is in case there is a delay or they get busy. You will have to post photos when they come in!



La Romana...it does not sound like it is worth the aggravation at all. Given the customer service is terrible and they don't have your money - imagine what it could be lke once they do!

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I feel so bad that everyone is having such problems with the promopays.ca site and customer service! I haven't had the greatest service from the art department with discountmugs either so maybe it just doesn't matter where we try!! I was trying to figure out my imprint image yesterday and in my attempt to get through to the art dept. I was hung up on three times in a row (once in the middle of a conversation with a girl - she just gave up half way through and it was like she started talking to someone else beside her and forgot she was on the phone with me!!!!) and then I had to call back again later when I was having troubles uploading my image and I was on hold that time for about 15 minutes before someone answered. However unlike you La Romana, my order and payment has already gone through so I kept trying to make sure that I'll get what I want!!

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This whole thing is stressinging me out.....sigh I really wanted to use promopays, the mug I have my eye on has a 50 min, and I only need 35....but even with that its still cheaper. I have heard nightmares on the whole brokerage fee thing, and knowing my luck I will get screwed. I even checked with a company out of Kitchener that my work uses for swag and his quote was was more than discountmugs. I really wish I could make them myself. What to do, what to do!

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Hi ladies!

Just wanted to give an update/vent about DiscountMugs. I received my order and had to pay $56Cdn duties on a $210 purchase.

I had originally ordered 37 mugs, which I thought would be plenty. But all of a sudden a bunch of guests booked their trips, so I called back and increased the order to 41, which they said would be FINE since the artwork was just confirmed and they hadn't started the order.


Well... when I received the shipment, the boxes were slightly open (I'm assuming customs took a peek in) and there were 2 mugs missing.


On top of that, we're now at 39 people booked (more last minuters) and I know a few more will book closer to the date, so I'm going to be short! (That is frustrating in itself, but a whole other story!)


So I contacted DiscountMugs and they said that the request for additional pieces (41) was not properly placed (even though they charged my credit card) and that I must've received 2 extra pieces from the original order of 37.


The minimum order they can do is 12 pieces so the only option they offered me was a refund on the 2 missing mugs.


I will feel really terrible if some guests don't have the same mugs (but isn't that there fault for booking late?) and DiscountMugs is quoting me $95.18 + duties for minimum re-order of 12 mugs. So that will be about $9-10 per mug!! Not very cost effective.


My only other solution is to buy some little stainless travel mugs at the dollar store and try to add our monogram via sticker or something... is that cheesy? Should I suck it up and order the 12 new mugs?

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hmmm... do you have kids or teens attending that were also going to receive these mugs? Maybe you could do the DIY mugs for them which would free up a few for the adult guests?


Otherwise you could contact discountmugs again and try speaking with a supervisor to explain your situation and see if they're able to give you a better deal than the last person you spoke with? And if I've got your numbers correct, you have 39 ppl booked and 39 mugs... so maybe going with another 12 mugs wouldn't be the worst thing if you are still expecting some last minute booking?? I would hope that at a minimum they would agree to give you the additional 12 mugs for the same base cost as your last order.


Another question... assuming you did purchase the mugs at the higher price, and add that total cost to what you've already paid - how much does that work out to per mug for the entire batch? I'm wondering if your price would go from say $5.25/pc up to $5.80/pc once its spread out across 50mugs and the incremental cost for the whole order wouldn't seem quite as bad??

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Yikes... I'm still waiting for my shipment & brokerage fee (from Discountmugs)! I hope they are what I want them to be and the correct amount is there!! So frustrating that they don't have the same things available in Canada!! LOL!! Oh well!! I'll keep you updated!

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Originally Posted by btn1091 View Post
I got the notice to pick up my mugs...my brokerage fee on $170 is $47! Sucks!! But at least they are here... I'll keep you updated as to what they look like!
That does suck. What can you do, I guess. I hope that they look nice- let us know.
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