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Ugh...Anyone else working a 2nd job to pay for their wedding?

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I'm so sorry- you must be exhausted! I'm a two job woman, too, I spend one of my days off every week contracting myself out. Luckily for me it's great experience in my field and I love it, plus I'm a bit of a workaholic so that helps. Only having one day off per week wears me out, though- I can't imagine not having any! Plus your second job sounds really physically demanding! I would suggest cutting back your hours before the wedding if FI gets another job or you'll be a wreck! Trust me- you don't want to burn yourself out.

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oh sweetie.im sure your just having a bad day.it must be really tough on you not only that your having to do all of this but you feel like you should be feeling really happy now and that just puts more pressure on you.im sure your fi is just being a typical guy and being laid back but he will come through for you.well he had better or send to us.


try and keep positive and like you say it will all be worth it in the end.xx

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oh sweetie.im sure your just having a bad day.it must be really tough on you not only that your having to do all of this but you feel like you should be feeling really happy now and that just puts more pressure on you.im sure your fi is just being a typical guy and being laid back but he will come through for you.well he had better or send to us.


try and keep positive and like you say it will all be worth it in the end.xx

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Awww Christie! You are not being a crybaby, your FI needs to contribute equally, it's not fair for only you to be bustin' your booty to pay for this wedding!!!


Good for you for getting a second job and really stepping it up, that's very responsible of you, it would be much easier to throw it on a credit card and hope for the best but you're taking initiative!


I don't have a job, I have one seriously intense job, LOL but I don't have anyone that will even pay a single red cent for my wedding. Both my mom (dad has passed) and FI's parents can't afford to help us in any way at all to pay for the wedding and my mom won't be able to even come if I don't pay her way. In the last 2 weeks, we've had to let both our parents even borrow money from us which is freaking me out because I can't support us and my mom and future in-laws.


I'm very good with money and run all the finances for me and FI so I'll work it out but we're almost there honey, 3 months and some change and it will be ALL worth it I promise!!!



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I feel your pain! I took on a second job last September to try to get my debt paid off and then now all the wedding expenses. Mine doesn't have any danger though, it's doing retail at the mall. I think someone else already said, but can you find something else if you're worried about the dangerous tools you work with? A perk of my job is getting the employee discount!

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I'm in the opposite situation, sort of. FI and are both teachers, but FI has had a 2nd job for the last 10 years (so it wasn't a wedding-based decision)! Lately he has been expressing some frustration that he's working so much to pay for the additional expenses like my ring, our new house, our wedding... I totally commend him for having the 2nd job, but I can barely stay sane with one! Is that bad? frown.gif

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I never knew there were so many other ladies going through this, too! I guess when I watch all of those wedding shows where the brides have seemingly bottomless budgets (or their wealthy parents are picking up the enormous tab) I lost touch with the fact that they are the exception, NOT the rule! Am I jealous perhaps? TOTALLY!


And as we all "punch the clocks" at our 2nd gigs, WE SHALL STAND UNITED! wink.gif


Oh, and here's the tricky thing about the dangerous aspect of the deli: I looked for a while to even find the part-time job, so I was psyched just to get the call from the grocery store, and they told me that the deli has one of the highest per-hour pay rates, so I feel sort of stuck there (or I'd have to take a pay cut/work more hours else where in the store to make the same amount) -- ggrrr! I just can't wait till this is over and I slice my last order of lunchmeat for good!

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Oh, and can I please say one more VERY IMPORTANT thing.....?


I TRULY LOVE ALL OF YOU WONDERFUL LADIES for being so sweet and offering your kind words of encouragement and support!!


And to those of you who are having to do the very same thing or something similar to pay off all those bridal-bills, KUDOS to you, and I hope you can also summon the energy from within to get through it!


Plus, I'd like to say that I'm really going to try to think of all your thoughtful suggestions and comments as I trek begrudgingly from one job to the next -- and I feel kind of embarassed and awful to be having a tantrum when I know that there are soooo many people out in the world that have it far, far worse than me (hence, why I feel like a total brat now for whining about having to work 2 jobs) when there are so many people who are completely without jobs right now (ie. the overwhelming jobless rate in America), or are suffering through horrific ordeals as those in Haiti and elsewhere all over the world...). It seems that I was just really overdue for a "snap out of it" reality check!


Please forgive me for being such a 2 year old and for my rant. THANK YOU ENDLESSLY for being the fabulous, supportive sisters that I feel so fortunate to have found here on BDW -- HUGS and Thank you! Thank You! Thank You!

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I feel your pain.. I also work two jobs - I work 8-4:30 M-F and then a few hours every weekday evening as well as on Sundays.. luckily my second job is very slack but my first job is running me ragged! We moved into a brand new house last February so we both started second jobs to pay off some debt and to help with the wedding planning etc. (we've been engaged for almost 2 years and neglected to save any money!!) and it's only going to get harder the closer we get to our wedding date, but in 8 months 2 weeks and 4 days it will all be worth it :)


Just keep your head up and your eye on the prize... everyday is another day closer!!!

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