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BM bailed on my bachelorette party....wrong to be mad?


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Originally Posted by svetayasofiya View Post
Oh Brandy, your friends suck. I am sorry, but this just isn't how friends should treat eachother. ((hugs)) How many BM's do you have? Can you kick those two to the wayside? No one should have that kind of power to make you wish your wedding was over. That's just plain wrong in so many ways.

(Btw- why did you have to change your wedding from Mexico to Omaha?)

Hahaha....your post made me laugh, for what feels like the first time in months. I know I shouldn't find it funny, but my friends do suck. It's okay. I've come to terms with it. I have 9 BMs. My party is huge, I know. In my defense though, almost half of them are men. I donâ€t get along very well with most women, but thatâ€s beside the point.
I would boot these girls out, but then Iâ€d be the bad guy because theyâ€ve already spent so much money on their dresses, and I really really HATE confrontation. I talk big, but in reality Iâ€m just a big pansy flower.
I had to switch the wedding after the tantrum that FIâ€s momma threw over our DW, and my own parents were having financial difficulties of their own. It came down to choosing between the beach and the people we love. Our loved ones won that one.
Iâ€ve come to the conclusion that I canâ€t change people. Iâ€ve just taken to repeating the serenity prayer to myself with a little twist anytime they get mouthy. If anybody needs it, feel free to try it.
“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. And as these women continue to run their mouths at me, give me the self control not to slap them across the face.â€
I thought you might like this blush2.gif.
On the bright side, my boys are awesome! We went to the florist and to my final dress fitting today, and I LOVE having bridesmen to tell me how pretty I look! Such an ego boost. 9 days ladies, I can totally do this, and then I donâ€t have to deal with these BMâ€s anymore if I donâ€t want to.
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You should send her a text message saying

" Thank you for being so helpful and supportive. I will not require your help as my BM any longer. I thought this was fair so you can recover from your illness. PS f U "


HAHA ok maybe thats petty but I mean common that is horrible!!! I think what is worse is her putting that on her status full out knowing you would see it. It shows she does not care.


Forget about people like her. I know its hard but at the end of the day you are marrying your best friend and the man you love. Don't let ANY selfish person ruin it. I think you have shown how mature you are so far because anyone would have snapped by now.


All the best in your wedding. As long as you remember why your having a wedding and how much you love your soon to be husband everything will be perfect. Don't let these witches have the power to ruin something so special!

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Originally Posted by Holly22 View Post
You should send her a text message saying
" Thank you for being so helpful and supportive. I will not require your help as my BM any longer. I thought this was fair so you can recover from your illness. PS f U "
Holly, that is f'ing hilarious!

Women can be our worst enemies ...honestly they are the first ones you go to when in crisis but then they can also create so much trouble and drama. The women in my family/friends were the ones making trouble too. I guess this is standard or something in weddings....?

One of my coworkers cheered me up (I'm the one that had to deal with rain throughout my Jamaican wedding week, with children and elderly in wheelchairs...not good!) by asking me if there were any fistfights at my wedding. I said no ....he said, every wedding he'd been to in the 80s when open bars were more common had at least one fistfight. LOL!!!!!!! So not to worry Brandy, I'm sure all these kinks will straighten out by your wedding day.smile03.gif
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Originally Posted by brandynd View Post
“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. And as these women continue to run their mouths at me, give me the self control not to slap them across the face.â€
I thought you might like this blush2.gif.
LOVES it!!! rockon.gif

Glad your bridesmen are awesome!!!!! everything is going to work out fine.
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Yeap I have 6 BM's and I want to kick 3 in the mouth sometimes. However 2 of the 3 are coming around thankfully! I had to be a biatch but o'well. I love how its my fault for being mean but its their fault for not communication! Fackers o'well its about my future husband and I. Hang in there girl. SO glad you have others to support you!

Oh and you and me are like twins I had a DW in St. thomas now its back home here in MN :) woot.gif woot.gif

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I can TOTALLY sympathize with everything you are going through. I have 3 bridesmaids and I really regret not just picking 2. Two of them have been gold... true examples of friendship and loyalty... the other one...uh!!! Her true colours have come shining out (she unfortunately is family) she has wanted the wedding to be all about her, how she wants to wear the dress, what jewelery and shoes that SHE wants to wear. Both her husband and her are in the wedding...and she even suggested to me that he wear an outfit that he already has at home instead of the one I chose. My mom has planned a beautiful shower... and now conviently she has to work... even though she was given 2 months notice!

I guess what this has taught me... is how much I appreciate those in my life who are supportive. So... just enjoy the girls that are there for you... we need to focus on the ones that make us happy instead of the ones that don't (as tough as that may be sometimes) But continue to vent all you need to on this site... because it's definitely helped soo many of us DW brides get through some rough patches!! Good luck girl & Congrats on your up coming big day... it will be fantastic!!

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