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Process After legal wedding in Mexico

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Originally Posted by MissyR View Post
HI ladies! As a fellow Canadian who had a legal wedding in Mexico I will tell you that

a) I had to get it translated from Spanish to English
B) I brought back the Spanish certif - contacted a certified translator (I got this through the MInistry of Transportation) and paid $70 bucks
c) I could not change anything (banking, drivers license, health card, passport etc) without both the Spanish and English versions
Thank you MissyR! That's very helpful!! :)
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Thanks for all the helpful info on this. I am also wanting to do the legal wedding in Mexico and wondered about this issue. I have found most brides to do the legal part here first and do the symbolic ceremony in Mexico. I want my marriage certificate and my wedding ceremony date to be the same so it can be our anniversary date too. I wouldn't know which date to pick. : )

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  • 3 months later...


We are also getting legally married in Mexico...I have been seeking this information and am SO happy to have run across this thread!


Just so I am clear...I need a certified spanish translator and then they do what...write an affadivit that it is a marriage licence? I know I am being particular however wanting to make sure that I am doing what I need to...I too have emailed the Mexican Embassy here in Ottawa and have not heard anything back and when I emailed the Registrar of Ontario, they stated that there was nothing that I needed to do (which I know is not right...)


Thanks for any feedback!!!!


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Hi Denise - my understanding is that they would directly translate the wedding license word for word into English.


As far as the registrar of ontario telling you that you don't need to do anything - this may be true, because I remember Sunbride - who is also from Ontario saying that she found out the same thing - that the license was fine as it was. Ultimately, you could take the Spanish version to try and change your drivers license, etc, and if they say no, then you could look at finding a translator at that point.


I just googled "translators Saskatchewan", and there was a ton that came up. There is an actual organization that has certified translators for different languages.

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I guess I'm one of those lucky people that got the right guy at the counter the day I went to change my name for my licence 3 weeks ago lol. Actually I KNOW I did, but it was easy to convince him to accept my Spanish cert. On the website for that office it listed Spanish as one of the languages. So I told him that Service Ontario told me that if I went to a "Spanish speaking" office, there was no need for a translation. Makes sense right? I thought it did, and it worked lol. Now that I have a new ID, I can just use that to change everything else, so no translating required on my end!


FYI - service Ontario told me I needed it translated.... I thought I'd take my chances before spending the money and going through the hassel. I'm glad I did lol.

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  • 4 months later...


Originally Posted by mochamakes3 View Post

What did everyone do for their birth certificates before they left? Did you just get the photocopies certified by a Notary?

First I had to request the long version birth certificates for both of us as we only had the wallet size ones.

Then I sent them to the Canadian Ministry of Foregin Affairs to be authenticated.

Once I got those back I sent them to the Mexican Consulate in Toronoto for legalization.

I sent all originals, no photocopies.


Your best bet is to look up the Mexican Consulate website for your city.  It should have instructions on there under "getting married in Mexico".

Good luck!

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