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Length of travels

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I'm sorry if I'm starting a duplicate thread. I did a search and couldn't find anything...


Just wondering how long everyone is staying in the DR for the wedding/honeymoon. We have booked a week and each person coming with us (mostly all family) is staying the week at the same resort. I'm starting to think that we (me and fiance) should have stayed at least 10 days. We get there on a saturday late night, the wedding is on Wednesday and then we leave Saturday again.


I feel like we will be busy the days leading up to the wedding now and then won't have much time to relax and enjoy afterwards. We wanted to do at least one group excursion and a TTD session the day after we are married.


What are your thoughts?

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We booked ourselves for a 10-day trip for just those same reasons. We've got about the same timeline as you for when we arrive vs. the actual date of the wedding but I don't think we'll be too busy with wedding stuff beforehand and should be able to do the excursions we are planning on. I've heard from other brides that they chatted with their WC for a couple of hours total between arrival and wedding date and that was all they needed, so hopefully it would be the same for you!!


We wanted to give our guests some flexibility with booking (half are leaving on a sunday, half the next day on monday with us) but we politely asked them not to book beyond the one week date so that we could have a few days alone.


If you're going through a travel agent, you could definitely ask to look into extending your trip to ten days, but I'm not sure how that works once you've already booked.

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We decided to stay another week, but at a different resort! :) We wanted to be able to relax with our guests the week of the wedding, but also have a honeymoon alone the week after! :) We are really happy we did it -- and depending on your tour operator and the resort, it is often only a few hundred more to add the extra week! :)

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Since we will be arriving in Punta Cana on Tuesday, then I'm assuming planning/prepping/being very busy until the wedding on Saturday. That would only leave 3 days to relax and enjoy our "vacation/honeymoon". We have decided to stay at the resort for a second full week!!!! As far as I know, our guests will only be staying 4-7 days, so that will give us a full week for some quality alone time!

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We're still getting all the dates in order, but we're planning to arrive on Sunday, but ask our guests to arrive a couple days later, but by Thursday, so we have a day or 2 to get things situated before they all arrive, then they leave the following Sunday and we're either staying for another week or going else where. We haven't decide on our honeymoon yet.

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