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Originally Posted by Crystal&Matt2010 View Post
Hi Everyone! I am getting married May 19th and have a couple of questions that perhaps someone can answer.

1)Does anyone know what the lighting is like for the outdoor dinner options? We are thinking about doing the Parrot Bar for our dinner set up but I didn't know if we needed to bring candles, stringing lights or chinese lanterns to set the mood or to have a lighted area?

2)Has anyone opted for the BBQ dinner buffet? Comments - Good/Bad?? Does it include drinks without doing an open bar?

3)Are all of the chairs covered in white linen or just the dinner chairs?

4)DJ recommendations? Or do you recommend using your own Ipod. I was told that it is $250 to use their equipment or $500 for a DJ. Kinda seems silly to not get the DJ for only $250 more.

5)Fire dancers? Worth it?

Last question! 6) How long do you get the parrot bar (or outdoor area) if you rent it for dinner? Still 2 hours or longer?

Thanks Ladies!

Oh - and someone had asked about sashes. I haven't ordered mine yet but I have been looking at Save-On-Crafts.com and they seem fairly resonable. I'm not sure the quality yet, but I will post if you are interested once I order them if I decide to get them. Thanks!
Hi! I can help a little with a few of your questions ... beer and wine come with the BBQ buffet dinner, without an open bar. I just asked Sandra how late we would have the Wet Bar for our reception, and she said til 11 p.m. so I would assume its the same for the Parrot Bar. As for the DJ, we booked DJ Mannia because I read such great review here so I am super excited about that. Sorry I can't help with anything else!
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newbride - February 3, 2010

karldettmann - February 12, 2010


MARCH 2010

Anna_C - March 26, 2010


APRIL 2010

livinlife - April 20th, 2010

tiggerulz - April 20th, 2010

liujessicam - April 22nd, 2010

QCbride-April 28th, 2010


MAY 2010

lara&mike - May 3 2010

JessicaANDJermaine - May 11 2010

Nicoleswrld - May 13, 2010

CnC - May 14, 2010

Littleone77 - May 17, 2010

MexicoBeachBride2010 - May 18, 2010

Crystal&Matt2010 - May 19, 2010

ali0284- May 26, 2010


JUNE 2010

Vallarta_2009 - June 2, 2010

P&B2010 - June 9, 2010

Kimba (Kim & Alex) - June 29, 2010


JULY 2010

Jenny K-W (Jenn and Dave) July 20, 2010

Jefiner - Majestic Colonial, July 21, 2010

Bronz & Brian-Majestic Elegance, July 24, 2010

Maigan & Brad - Majestic Elegance, July 26, 2010

Mel4983 - Majestic Colonial, July 27, 2010



Regine - Majestic Elegance, Oct 9th, 2010

Michele L - Majestic Colonial, Oct 19th, 2010



KJ Shea - Majestic Colonial, November 13th, 2010

Rhiannonbs - Majestic elegance, November 27th, 2010



pamphilia - Majestic Colonial - January 27th, 2011



Yiweddings - Majestic Colonial, February 1, 2011

Cwaters728~ Majestic Colonial, February 11, 2011

FreeRunner - Majestic Colonial, 12 February 2011

VBVB- Majestic Colonial, February 25, 2011


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Jan 30th Wedding Review - Get ready, It's detailed and long!


First I have to say if you have not yet booked your wedding at the Majestic, do not hesitate, it is the Perfect place to be married. I have been to three resorts in DR and this was by far the best. The prettiest place, the friendliest staff, the greatest beach. The gazebo is beautiful, the rooms are large and clean, grounds well kept. There is enough variety of food that no one can complain. Our guests were so happy with the hotel, it is worth every cent.


Most of our guests flew in from Alberta, a few from Vancouver, Saskatoon and California. We came from New York. Our travel agent was able to get everyone in the same building, right by the pool and beach front. There were 26 of us with a variety of different rooms. A swim up, 2 ocean fronts, standards, standard colonials, and then ours was upgraded to the one bedroom suite, a beautiful room. It was nice to be so close to everyone. We were still a little more private, because the one bedrooms are only on the 4th floor - so you get two balconies with pool and ocean views. The swim up was awesome to have, especially with 3 kids in the group, it became party central most days and was only steps to the beach, beach restaurant and swim up bar. We found out later that kids Can get this room, but only by upgrading through the hotel once there.

The first night we had a welcome dinner at the steak house, I had arranged this with Maritee months ago. I thought Claudia had all this information, but when we got to the steakhouse they did not have a table ready. It only took 10 minutes for them to put one together for us, not a big deal. At the welcome dinner we gave out our gift beach bags full of goodies, and got the chance to introduce anyone who didn't know eachother. It was a great way to spend the first night. The steakhouse is open air, but covered, ocean front restaurant. There is a bar right there too, so we ended up staying there for quite a while that night.

The next morning (Wednesday) I had meetings set up with DJ Mannia and Flori from La Barcaza. They both went very smooth, we took care of last minute details for the reception, gave them some decorations and were done. Both were so easy to communicate with via email, and just as easy in person. I tried to see Claudia that day too, to get everything out of the way, but she wanted to wait until Friday, the day before the wedding. We did confirm all the spa appointments that day, to be sure Saturday would run smoothly.

Thursday we were to have a snorkel cruise for the ladies, but it turned out because it was an online reservation we needed to confirm the night before... which we did not. So they re-arranged it for Monday. That night my Matron of Honor arranged a Bachelorette party dinner for just the ladies at the buffet. They set up tables on the side that was not used, decorated it with flowers from around the resort. We had some drinks, ate, mamajuana's. Then we went to the beach bar, where there was another table set up out of the way, and we did some bachelorette party games and gifts. It was really fun. especially since I live so far from everyone, I didn't have a shower, so this was a big surprise. We went to the Imagine Diso, which I must say, unless you are under 25, skip it. This was not what we had hoped for, it was mostly tourists, very eurotrashy, a waste of money. The last time I was in DR with my MoH 7 years prior, we went to a very local spot. It was a blast, not touristy at all, that would have been fun, but oh well.

Friday I go to meet Claudia, who comes out to tell me I now have Wardez, ok, whatever. Wardez was actually very nice and sweet compared to Claudia, although all the tossing around was a little disconcerting. Wardez was easy to speak with, she's very pleasant. She took all my decorations, I went over the music and gave her a cd. She also assured me we would have a farewell dinner on Monday to replace our reception dinner since we were going on La Barcaza the wedding night. It wasn't until then that I learned about the room service being all week, so we could have been using it. Or that we couldn't choose the private dinner time and location, and to book the massage asap. (which we could only get for Monday afternoon - now being the snorkel tour, masasge was out.. too bad.) Had Claudia took my meeting Wednesday we could have known and arranged for all this earlier.

Friday morning all the men took the Extreme Buggy half day tour, had a riot. they loved it, was a great choice for the men and some bonding time. That night they had a dinner and went out too- but I guess that's guys only info. I know they had fun, he came home late, drunk, but not falling down and no hangover...whew. Lucky because my hubby is no drinker and the Canadian men in my family can really throw them back. I guess he learned the first night not to try and "keep up" Lol.

Saturday. Oh what a beautiful day! I wish we could go back and relive it just once. I was up way too early, not being able to sleep, so I took a walk on the beach and had breakfast by myself. This was really nice actually, I'm glad I seized the moment. I headed to the spa at 9:00 with my MoH, asked the groom to be out of our room by noon. My MoH and I both had manicures, pedicures and updo's done by a woman 81/2 months pregnant with twins in only 2 hours! She was incredibly fast. however, it was a pretty expensive mani/pedi which was more like a re-polish. Just a tip, get you mani/pedi at home, where it will be much less and more thorough, then just get the touch up at the spa. Around the time we got back to my room, my fiance and my Mom would have arrived for her hair, and his shave. My MoH and I ordered some room service, I wasn't hungry, but the sandwhich was a good idea in retrospect. We did our makeup, then the kids came in (her daughter was my flower girl and her son my ring bearer) We got them dressed, then my parents came in with our daughter. Photophil arrived while I was getting dressed. There was a heightened moment there for a bit, a little overwhelmed and when Phil came in, it was like the nerves just fizzled out. He has a such a great way of dealing with people, and it's obvious he is a pro at this wedding stuff. He started snapping pics of shoes and rings while we were still getting ready, then took pics of us girls before leaving the room. On the way to the lobby bar where my groom was waiting, he snapped pictures in various locations. Then he placed me on the stairs and brought Larry out and captured that moment. It was perfect. I was quite against the pre ceremony pictures at first, just out of tradition, but we didn't have a choice really with the ceremony at 5. This turned out so much better! We had a chance to be together and have fun and laugh and kiss before the ceremony. It relaxed us, and made the day so much more enjoyable and memorable. BIG HATS OFF to PhotoPhil! he snaps away and has it set up to flow from one shot to the next, keeping the mood light and romantic the entire time. Such a pleasure to work with, can not wait to see the pictures!!

The ceremony was almost perfect. The decorations were set up exactly as I asked, it ws just as I had pictured all these months. The music was off. unfortunately. I had planned for 2 songs as guests were sitting, then the bridal party song, the bridal march, the sand ceremony and the champagne toast. I'm not sure if it was Wardez or the Dj, because you can't hear any music until you are half way down the aisle. My bridal party walked to the song I wanted guests sitting to, they got the march right for me, but only halfway down the aisle and the champagne song played for the sand ceremony and the toast. I was disappointed in this because I had planned each song perfectly, they each had meaning (I guess that's the theatre girl in me) and none of it worked out right. However, my guests did not notice at all, I asked later and pretty much the response was they heard music, but they weren't really paying attention to it. It certainly didn't ruin the moment, I was on such a high at that point, nothing could have brought me down. The ceremony was Glorious!

After the toast we rushed to beach to snap some pics before we lost the sun, and we got some really great ones I think. We had our group photo there too, then guests could take some family pics before heading back to the lobby to meet the La Barcaza transportation.

I chose the reception on La Barcaza because I wanted something a little different for my guests, get them off the resort. DJ Mannia was all set up when we arrived, and for the first 30 minutes it was perfect. We had some drink on top in the lounge area, danced a bit. BUT, the rain that was threatening all day, decided to come down just as we were starting dinner. Unlike the resort, where if it rains you have many beautiful options to keep your reception going, we did not. We had 26 people stuffed under three tarps. Unlike normal Dominican rain that stops after 10 or 20 minutes, this kept on and on. We didn't get to sail at all, we were soaked and cold. I was ready to have everyone head back to shore, but we couldn't take the little transport boats until the rain let up. My Amazing MoH was not about to let this ruin "Our Day", and our guests kept saying it was fine.... so we cut the cake, which was so delicious, banana chocolate from the resort, we did speeches and first dance and father/daughter dance. The boat staff really tried to keep us happy best they could and DJ Mannia was awesome keeping the mood bright with the music, even though his equipment was at risk of getting damaged. By the time the dances were done and the rain let up it ws the time we were supposed to head back anyway, so we didn't lose any time. But I didn't toss my bouquet, or have the garter tossed, or dance with my girls and party the night away under the stars with my new husband. So there is some regret there. My guests kept re-assuring me the rain did not matter, they had a wondrful time, the food was excellent, it will always be remembered. However, as all you future and past brides know, we have a vision, months of planning, so when it goes wrong you can not help but be a little sad.

Looking back, I would say the La Barcaza is a great idea for a group excursion, or a rehearsal dinner, but keep your reception at the Majestic to guarantee it's a success. We should have stuck with the beach and wet bar as back up option as originally planned. Oh well. they say rain on your wedding day is good luck, and it least it didn't rain during pictures or the ceremony!

By the time we got back to the resort everyone was exhausted, we said our goodinights and to some our goodbyes. My new husband and I decided to take a minute to ourselves and we had a drink in the lobby bar, it was a nice moment. When we returned to our room there was the Newlywed banner, the tub full with the petals and all over the bed. The ladies in my family went the extra step, MoH still having a key, they took all the flowers and candles from the table decorations, and spread them about the room, they hung the chair sashes around the canopy bed and spread the fans all around. It was beautiful and so romantic.

Sunday we had our breakfast in bed around 10. The semi-private romantic dinner that night.(Which is NOT on the beach, it's off to the side of the seafood place) The next moring we met Phil for th TTD shoot, which was awesome. We had so much fun the first time with him , but that morning was even better. I chose to get a second dress for this, partly because the skirt on my dress is tuille ball gown, with taffeta underneath and it would have been just too much, but also because my mother would have killed me! So I found a simple, long, flowy, sexy evening gown. I can not wait to see the pictures!

Monday the ladies ad the snorkel cruise. That night we had a farewell dinner in the buffet, they put us off to the side and decorated everything really nice, and great to be able to say our goodbyes to everyone.

The next day we saw our guests off in the lobby, my parents stayed with our baby girl at the Majestic, and we went to a different resort for a honeymoon. Wether it's your honeymoon, or a different resort, or the same one, I highly recommend staying a few days after the guests leave, to enjoy time alone with your new hubby, unwind and really have your vacation too. You deserve it!


Overall I have to say the entire experience was fantastic from start to finish. The little bumps didn't cause any real issues, and certainly didn't ruin or take anything away from the experience. Ou guests can't stop talking about it, saying it was the best vacation ever, I'm still dreaming about it. Enjoy every moment ladies, it go's by way too fast. If I could only re-live that day just one more time!!



If you have any questions let me know.


Good luck and congratulations to you all!

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If you are not on the list for getting married at the Majestic Colonial, please copy the latest posted list and add your date!



newbride - February 3, 2010

karldettmann - February 12, 2010


MARCH 2010

Anna_C - March 26, 2010


APRIL 2010

livinlife - April 20th, 2010

tiggerulz - April 20th, 2010

liujessicam - April 22nd, 2010

QCbride-April 28th, 2010


MAY 2010

lara&mike - May 3 2010

JessicaANDJermaine - May 11 2010

Nicoleswrld - May 13, 2010

CnC - May 14, 2010

Littleone77 - May 17, 2010

MexicoBeachBride2010 - May 18, 2010

Crystal&Matt2010 - May 19, 2010

Mayasun (Claudia&Jon) - May 19, 2010

ali0284- May 26, 2010


JUNE 2010

Vallarta_2009 - June 2, 2010


JULY 2010

Jenny K-W (Jenn and Dave) July 20, 2010

Jefiner - Majestic Colonial, July 21, 2010

Maigan & Brad - Majestic Elegance, July 26, 2010

Mel4983 - Majestic Colonial, July 27, 2010



Regine - Majestic Elegance, Oct 9th, 2010

Michele L - Majestic Colonial, Oct 19th, 2010



Rhiannonbs - Majestic elegance, November 27th, 2010



VBVB- Majestic Colonial, February 25, 2011

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