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what are your parents wearing to the ceremony?

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My mom actually got a sexy dress! haha, I love it! It has a whole cut out in the shape of a diamond a little under her boobs! ohhh lala! Its pink of coarse. My colors are pink and orange.. My FI's mom KNOWS THIS and bought a NAYY BLUE dress! I did want everyone to match at least a little. She is footing most of the bill for our wedding so I really cant complain to much, but couldnt she of at least picked a sea blue sad.gif

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Jess...that's tough...hopefully they can agree on something, that makes it hard on you. I'm sorry. Can you maybe suggest something you like and say you would really like it if they wore that?


Island bride- that's nice of your MIL to foot a lot of the bill, but i agree a sea blue would look nicer...more beachy. Well i'm sure it will look fine and you'll be having your dream wedding, so that's all that matters. Everything will work out just fine! :)


simplnsweet- that would be so great if ppl would post pictures, it would be very helpful. I feel like i'm stalking peoples photos from their weddings to spy what their parents wore. Haha, sad i know.

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My mum has bought a long black dress which has a black ang gold chunky buckle thing at the boob.I wanted her to pick something more tropical but im not wearing it.I bought her some gold coloured bangles to go with it and im going to find pink and turquoise to add.

She has some gold flipflops BUT im going to look for pink/gold/turquoise


Pauls mum has a turquoise, brown with white dress.Its long but my issue with her is her footwear canvas shoes "i dont think so"

Pauls dad has the same baby blue linen trousers as Paul and my boys have. He just needs a shirt white linen i guess.

I do think my mum will continue to look for another dress

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My mom wore a silk BCBG dress (sorry the pic is so small):

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MIL (in the center) wore a long periwinkle blue dress. I'm not sure what brand. Christian's stepmom (on far left) wore a long Calvin Klein deep blue dress. You can also see my bridesmaids and Christian's Aunt and Grandma's outfits in this pic:

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This isn't the greatest pic of my FIL's suit, but he wore an ivory suit jacket and pants with a navy blue t-shirt underneath. He was going for a Miami Vice look (I really liked it).

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There is a thread already about this that people have posted lots of pics on, someone had already mentioned it and posted the link but here it is again in case you guys want to check it out:

http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...s-dress-11617/ Check it out, it's very helpful with lots of pics!


Here's my Mom's dress...(not Mom in the pic, lol) she has the darker one


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And here's my FMIL's dress...(again not her in the pic!)


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