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Does anyone have a recommendation for a good travel agent that's familiar with RM and Playa del Carmen area?


My fiance and I have pretty much decided on a resort (The Royal Playa del Carmen), but we're not getting any where with the wedding coordinator on group discount room rates. I'm hoping that there's a great travel agent out there who can negotiate a better rate for us and help us out with excursions that we want to plan for the week of the wedding.



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I recommend TA Jennifer from this forum. I'm getting married at the Royal. She recommended the resort and has been amazing to work with. She deals directly with the resort directly so that I don't have to and has made the whole process so much less stressful.


Just click on the TA banner on the top of the page and select TA Jennifer. She'll get back to you within a few days. If you have questions, feel free to PM me.

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Originally Posted by jplovesme View Post
I also tried to contact the TAs here on the link above a few times, and requested TA Jennifer, but I haven't heard back (I think my date is probably too far away to deal with it for them, and January is crazy for TAs). But I'm still shopping for a TA and hopefully find a great one like you did! Can't wait to get that part started!
How long ago did you send a request to the TAs on this site? Did you fill out all of the info? I heard back within a week from TA Jill. If your date is in January of 2011, it is not too early to get with a TA. I have a retainer for Jill to book my wedding and it isn't until April 2011. The TA's on this site only handle 2-3 weddings per month, so I would try again or get her direct e-mail address from someone. There is a thread about the Wright Travel Agency that they all work through, maybe you chould check on there. Good luck! And it's never too early to get a good TA on your side.
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I'm using Jill from here. It usually takes her no more than 24hrs to get back to me. Of course I want a immediate response but that's just the 'impatient ready to get everything set up" in me..lol


and for the response it took about 3 days for someone to get back to me the first time.

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I'm new at this as well and hoping to find a TA. We are going to see one tomorrow however I got a bad vibe from her as soon as I got on the phone with her. She asked where we were going and I told her Cuba and she asked if I had been and I told her i had quite a few times and she asked me what I thought of the food and I told her I never had a problem with it(all of what she is asking me was in a very negative tone). Then she asked what I thought my guests would think of the food.....so I think we'll go tomorrow but I'm not that optimistic, I'm in Canada though so can I still use a TA off of this site? Do you pay them(sorry if that's a dumb questions, I've always booked my vacations online!)

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Thanks, TA Maureen!

I'm going to email Jennifer right away.

As for the other questions on when I originally sent my request from the link above, I started filling it out the first time a couple weeks ago (with no particular TA). Then last week, I did one requesting a TA (I can't remember who), still no response, so I went on a cancun thread that suggested Jennifer, and so I made a 3rd request a couple days ago. So it's s till too early to tell when she'll get back to me. But now that I have Jennifer's email, I'll hopefully get something started, because I'm pretty anxious to get things going.

Good luck to all on here!

Originally Posted by TA Maureen go_quote.gif

You can start working with a TA a year or more in advance especially if you still need assistance choosing the right location for you although complete package pricing may not be available. Airfare is published 330 days in advance.
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