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Really Upset, and Really Need Advice...(Majestic Colonial)

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Hi everyone! My name is Brendali! I am really hoping you guys can help me out, I am completely frustrated and at wits end and ready to just go down to civil court :-(. I had my HEART set on the Majestic Colonial for May 2011. I contacted the hotel January 1, 2010 requesting May 14, 2011, and an alternate date of May 7.


The WC, Yadilis, emailed me telling me the judge is not taking dates for that far in advance and to contact her again in May.


Now please help me understand how on Friday I got an email from her informaing me that now the entire month of May is BOOKED?!!


I understand that they can book symbolic weddings, however, does this mean they booked an entire month of nothing BUT symbolic weddings? This doesnt seem right to me.


Anyone can help or offer advice on this?

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Hi Brendali,


Sorry to hear about your situation, how frustrating! I am also hoping to book the Majestic Colonial and got a similar e-mail about booking February 2011 (she said to resubmit my request in February 2010).


Is it possible that there was a miscommunication? Maybe she got confused and reread the e-mail and thought it was about May 2010?


I don't know... this is kind of freaking me out now too!

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My guess is she misread something and is saying that May 2010 is full. I am almost 100% positive that May 2011 has not even been started yet.


They never book more than a year in advance. I think you'll be fine. Although they speak and understand English, you still have to simplify things. Use very basic words. I don't even use ' when I send them emails. I say do not, instead of don't.


Just make your email like your writing to a 8 year old. Don't use extra words that aren't needed.


Good luck!

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Yes I think the ladies above me are right. They usually dont book wedding dates more than a year in advance, so they must have mistaken the dates when they sent you the email. Dont worry you should be fine. Just send them another email and verify with them that its not for 2010 but for 2011.

Good luck!

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Thank you so much for your advice ladies.

What worries me is that I speak SPANISH! I spoke to them in SPANISH on all emails as well as on the phone when I called yesterday. I spoke to a wedding coordinator yesterday via the phone, in spanish, and she was just as baffled as I was. I have not received an email yet, so I am going to call back today and see if I can straighten this out.


Honestly, if thats the case, I wont choose another date. If this is my first experience with them as a resort, I will just have to concede and find somewhere else :-(

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