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Only married 7 weeks and heading for divorce :(


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I am so sorry to hear this. Don't let him make you think that you are being unreasonable in your requests. If he wants you to trust him again...he needs to do what is necessary to build up that trust again. Men have a way of doing this. All I can say is trust your gut. It could be that your husband merely enjoys the attention that this trollup is giving him...and is actually innocent of any physical cheating. If that's the case, while not great, at least you can possibly salvage your relationship.


I'm wishing you all the best.

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My Dearest Sparkles,


My heart goes out to you....so disheartening to hear this. Speaking from experience, I feel your pain as does a lot of other women on this forum. Many of us have been cheated on before and it still stings to this day. Trust is a huge issue in marriages....and if you dont have that...well you really need to re-evaluate your situation. I would def confront him and make him put everything on the table. I dont know if requesting his passwords is the right thing to do, bc if he really wants to continue this affair, he will make sure he communicates with her regardless of what passwords you have...he will find another way. What I would suggest is a "key stroke" program. If you are looking to really find out the truth, and I wouldnt suggest this unless you are sure you can live with what you might find out, you need to purchase this software and install it on your computer. If you dont know how to do it, find someone that will and it will basically record everything he types on his computer. That way you dont have to check emails and worry about passwords. You can check the program whenever you want. Its a sneaky way of doing it, but it would be the only sure fire way to know that he isnt persuing this when you have asked him to no longer have contact with her. By asking for passwords for his accounts, well, he will just find another way to talk to her if that is what he wants to do. This way you can monitor that. It will show you his passwords as well as what files he goes into. I have never done this myself, but my girlfriend did when she too thought her husband was cheating and he kept lying to her. However you need to be ready to deal with whatever you find out a head of time prior to doing this, otherwise this may put you in a tail spin.

I really hope this isnt what is going on for you and so new into your marriage, but just remember its never okay for him to have a relationship with another woman when you have asked him not too. Regardless if he thinks its stupid that you feel threatened by her or their relationship, if he loves you he will respect how you feel and not want you to feel that way and stop the relationship - whatever it is. Always go with your gut, bc its rarely wrong...womens intuition is usually right to some degree.

Regardless of what you do, be strong and I am thinking of you.....let us know how you are doing and making out....Just remember that so many other women have gone thru or are going thru what you are right this second, so your not alone....we are all right along with you.....and we will help you thru it too.....

Take care and good luck Sparkles.....catch the hugs!!

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Wow, this is so terrible. I am so sorry! I don't know what else to say. I mean, I would say sit down with him and talk to him about this or maybe even talk to that home wrecker... but the most important part of a relationship is trust & you might not be able to trust him anymore. You have to do what your heart tells you, though, and not listen to anyone else.

I am so sorry. Please let us know what you're going to do, and how you are doing. We are all hear for you.



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I am so sorry you have to go through this. I don’t understand why woman do this to other woman and I don’t understand why men do it to women they say they love. And I really don’t understand why he would do this and make such a commitment to you. I have never been married, but I have been cheated on it is the worst feeling in the world. I also found emails and I called him out on it and he denied it and I believed him, until I found more evidence later on and finally woke up and we split. I hope for the best for you and please let us know how you are doing.


And trust your gut. If you believe he is cheating, he probably is. Even if by some chance he isn’t, you will always be wondering if he did cheat and if he is still cheating.

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